Sunday, September 21, 2014

No Progress

After a week of sick baby confinement, I took Isla to the park trails yesterday.  I figured we both needed some fresh air (and I needed some adult companionship). 
She picked a few mushrooms with her Godmother "Ninny" and spent a little time with Godfather Sean.  But, I don't think anyone got many smiles.  It has been a long week. 
Congrats to Godfather Sean on his new job at Victory Bicycles!
Mom, I am going to keep you up allll night.  Again.  Please be patient with me.  I am sick, I hurt, AND I am a baby.  PS:  I love you.  
Today I was back to the Road Race Series for another crack at the 10k.  I didn't have any niggles or problems going into the race, but I found I had to psych myself up a bit.  I generally drop time from race to race, but I just don't feel my fitness coming along.  A month ago at the triathlon, my 10k felt strong.  But since then, not so all.  I kept telling myself, "you have upped your mileage, you had 2 quality longer runs, you had a half marathon paced run, you ran a good 25k, surely your fitness is better!"  I used tons of positive self talk to get to that start line ready to drop a little time. 
GRATEFUL for my race mornings and the companies and friends that make it fun for me. 

But, it just wasn't my day.  Again.  I dropped a mere 10ish seconds off of my time from 2 weeks ago.  My pacing was a bit better, but it wasn't faster.  It was a lot of work for 10 seconds....and another slower race time that I haven't seen in 8 years.

I keep searching for the answers.  The long answer is:  I need more interval training and real speed work, I need to be able to swim and bike again, I need consistency, and I need to put some muscle back on.  The short answer is, and maybe more importantly:  I am just plain tired and need more sleep. 

So, I felt a few minutes of frustration, but I just know that if I keep my foot in the door, one day in the future I will bust it open when some things start fall in place for me.   YES!  I really do believe this.  I just have to stay in the game and it WILL come back. 
One of my first smiles all week.  The drooling from the constant swelling and pain is now gone as well, amen. 

I took Isla to breakfast club with my soccer/running buddies (I am not sure if my friends were totally happy as they don't want to contract this awful virus ((which generally doesn't affect adults)), but I needed friend time so they sucked it up as I gave them no choice :) 
She didn't last long.  :)
Happy Sunday!


Megan said...

Don't discount the lack of sleep and new mom responsibilities. With my 2nd kid I felt like I was where you are now. He didn't sleep more than 3 hours at a time for at least a year and I was struggling fitness wise for 18+ months after he was born.

You'll get there eventually, don't put too much pressure on being fast now.

Megan said...

Don't discount the lack of sleep and new mom responsibilities. With my 2nd kid I felt like I was where you are now. He didn't sleep more than 3 hours at a time for at least a year and I was struggling fitness wise for 18+ months after he was born.

You'll get there eventually, don't put too much pressure on being fast now.

GoBigGreen said...

Oh man i wish i could gift you a few naps or some help at home! I hope you can keep being kind to yourself, and YES on the sleep depriv as being your huge culprit in all this. Things will come together, keep the faith and in teh mean time keep getting out there, sometimes progress comes in the accepting the status quo.

Michelle Simmons said...

I agree on the sleep thing. It is HUGE. I'm not a Dr either but guessing if Isla isn't sleeping well, her immune system isn't as strong as it could be- it's all related! So #1 goal if I were you would be to figure out how to make sure Isla gets sound sleep every night. If she's getting sleep, you will also be getting sleep... and then you both will be healthier. :) Hang in there mama!

Gayle said...

I am so sorry you are both struggling so much with this. Someday this will all be a vague memory...Just hang in there. She doesn't feel good. And the stress is getting to you. I hope you both get some relief soon! I love the picture of her asking you not to be mad. So very true! She can't help being sick, and you can't help being sick of her being sick!!!