Sunday, April 6, 2014

Start Somewhere

The dreaded 5k

As I lined up for my first 5k this weekend since July when I was 3 weeks postpartum and soooo not ready (and before that, I had not run an open 5k since 2010!!!!), I heard everyone grumbling about how they hated 5ks.  And truly, it is a hard distance.  It is more truthful than any other distance to me.  I can fake a marathon, oddly enough, like I did a few weeks ago.  I can always go the distance if I just slow down.  But running hard and trying to go fast?  #TRUTH!

But, I knew I had to start somewhere, and I found a FREE 5k and signed up.  (Can you believe free ones exist!  I felt like a super coupon lady!) I had every single excuse not to run it.  I haven't done any speedwork, I haven't one single fast mile in 2 years, I just took 2 weeks off, yada yada yada.  I tried the excuse that I shouldn't line up to race if I wasn't ready. 

I finally called bull on myself and got out there.  It was free, and I needed a baseline.  And more than that, I NEED and WANT to get back out there.  So, as I started running, I used the following as my internal monologue:
  • These hills are making me stronger
  • This is money in the bank
  • I am smooth and controlled
  • I am so lucky I get to do this
  • What a great workout!
  • Every step is making my legs strong again
I crossed the line in 23:11/7:28 pace.  I was not disappointed.  I honestly thought I would be lucky to run sub 8 minute miles, and heck, my last 5k was 33 minutes!  So, my expectations were realistic and I pleasantly surprised myself.  I was also grateful to run my 3 fastest miles since Isla.  I didn't pout at the time or compare myself to my pre-baby days.  I have decided there are no more pre-baby days.  There is just the post-baby Damie, and she is going to blow the pre-baby Damie away.  So I am only looking forward. 

What I really noticed more than anything was just a lack of strength.  My legs just don't have the power and push that they used to.  My core is weak.  I don't just float along with nice strides, I am more like forcing a fast shuffle.  I have also noticed this glaring lack of power and strength on the bike, so I now have some information to use to get stronger. 

 My big girl is now 9 months!
 Let me just test the water for the dogs and make sure it is drinkable. 
 I LOVE YOU!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Congrats on getting out there!!

Shelly Biehle said...

Woo hoo! So happy for you that you made it out there.

I know how hard it is to not be able to do the same as you could pre-baby. But, those little babies are the best! I just take one extra hug from mine and all is right in the world, fast legs or not.