Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Gratitude and Thank You

I heard something great the other day on the radio on how to teach your children gratitude.  A good way to start is by teaching them to say "thank you."  Well, we are working on this in our house, but it sounds more like "tanku" and happens with lots of actions, whether she is thankful or not!  But it does tickle me when I pick her up from daycare and they tell me she has been "thanking" everyone all day. 
I am grateful and thankful for so many things in my life.  I noticed the other day that someone removed my gratitude list from my desk.  (Dave?  Isla?  Caya?)  I need to write out another one, and it is probably a good exercise to write it down again on paper.  I want it posted so that if I were ever to pass away suddenly, my family would see that I KNOW I have a good life.  

I have also been thinking about the people that I have thanked lately.  Sometimes they help me in small ways.  Sometimes they don't really seem to be helping me at all, but I am thankful because I know I am learning a lesson or gaining something valuable from my interaction with them.  You can really find gratitude in almost anything, even when it doesn't feel good initially.  And I never know if people appreciate or even read/receive my thank-yous, but at least it is out there in the universe.   
So, we are going to keep saying "thank you" A LOT around this house.  And I am going to really try to let gratitude live in my day to day actions. 
How about showing some gratitude to super dad for taking everyone on a walk so mom could eat dinner?

Thursday, April 24, 2014

April Summary

SBR is getting better and better.  This is mainly because Dave has been awesome about working with me so I can train some in the morning.  I don't really want to wake up, especially after the all night feeding sessions, but I do seem to be managing it better.  I even sometimes smile at swim class now.  :)
My new master's swim class has been great!  I am loving the company.  My times are not what they once were, but I am seeing progress every week, and my back pain is slowly getting better.
 This is a pretty fair description of what it looks like to try to change Isla these days- diaper gymnastics. 
 This picture captures quite a moment in fashion for us...
I get these pictures from her daycare teacher all of the time.  Today she was fighting her nap (what a surprise), but she finally passed out.  So sweet! 
 Oh, the joy of removing everything from the kitchen cabinets.  BUSTED! 
 And BUSTED again- this time taking the storage bags out of my pumping bag. 
Isla has gotten to spend some time with her Nami, Papaw, and cousin Nathaniel. 

Lots of good things happening around here. We are happy the sun is here to stay for a while!  More fun to come!

Friday, April 18, 2014

Commercial (Not) Star

A couple of months ago I ran across a post in a local alternamomma group that had the words:  moms and earn free groceries.  Now, I am always trying to save a dime here and there to keep my family living within our means and enjoying activities in life.  I thought I should check out the post more thoroughly, but like most everything lately, I set it aside and forgot about it.  '

A month ago, I came across the post again and responded.  It turned out it was an opportunity for a commercial.  Now, I had zero desire to be in a commercial, but I thought it would be a blast to do something with Isla.  We would make some good memories.
I mean, who wouldn't want this cutie in their shopping basket? 

I got selected for a skype interview for casting.  I must have done well, because I was selected for the commercial with another local mom.  As I started going through the paperwork, I realized they were no longer using kids in the commercials.  I thought, should I bail?  The whole reason I signed up was for Isla.  I got cold feet.

But, I decided to be brave and just get out there and do it.  Come to find out, it was a commercial for Wal-Mart.  Say what?  So, I actually got some highlights put back into my hair, bought a cute casual outfit, and showed up for the shooting this past Tuesday.

Now, here is how things were to play out.  The other local mom and I both shopped at a local retailer with our normal grocery lists.  Yes, I had a hand written grocery list that I brought to the store with my normal items for the week.  Much like a game show, the producers compared my receipts to Wal-Mart to show how much money I could have saved.   So, the commercial is real- real moms with real products. 
I had my very own auditor with me from Atlanta while I was shopping. This was a blast!  Of course I was taking pictures...not sure if that was okay or not.  But you know me!
And then they picked one of us to film the commercial (me).  This was purely based on the shopping items that we each selected that would be a better fit for the commercial.
Me and the other mom, Amanda.  We were waiting to see who would actually be filming the commercial.  
And this is where the day turns from "game show" to "stress out."  For one, my cute outfit had to go.  The Wal-Mart workers were in blue.  Wal- Mart also didn't have anything that fit me.  So, I had to dig out a shirt from my car....nice and wrinkly with a stain on it.  I couldn't believe I was going to appear on TV looking so unkempt.  The producers assured me that it would look fine on camera, but the make-up artist and I were not convinced.  oh well.  I seriously stressed about it the ENTIRE day.  I mean, I WORRIED the whole time that everyone would see me on TV in wrinkles. 

Things were starting to get real when they had a make-up artist work on my hair and face.  There were 8 people doing the production work, and it started to hit me that I was getting ready to be on TV.

And then my phone died.  So, no more pictures of my day.  (what a bummer for me since I love pictures)

So then we started filming. "Take 1...take 37.... cut... big more...stop acting...head back...give me more....give me less...cut....faster...try saying this instead....less pause...change your hands...look here....take 99....hold your hand here...different words...take 148....say it this way....say it like you mean it....try this....I think we have what we need, next scene...etc, etc."  We filmed for 4+ hours for a 30 second commercial.  It was HARD WORK.   Sometimes I would say my lines what seemed like the same way, and they loved the second time but not the first.  Or I would change it as requested and they couldn't hear the change.  It was a really intense and different type of work to help the producer with his "piece of art."  That is really what it was...a vision he had that only he could hear when it was right. 

I am NOT an actress.  I am not even a wanna be actress.  The guy in the commercial with me?  PAID ACTOR in movies and TV.  The real deal.  He was so good and fun to work with, but I definitely felt like a special project.

So some of it was easy and fun.  It was fun to try to give them what they wanted, even if I had to say the same thing in a different way 100+ times per product.  But then there were some question/answer type monologue pieces that were filmed at the end.  I was tired, and I knew I sounded horrible, uneducated, and nervous.  After 50 takes or so of this one part of the commercial, I was rattled.  Did I really just say that, and is it going to be on TV?  Wanna know how I know it was bad?  The producers cut it out...thank goodness!!!!!  

So, here it is, if you are so inclined to watch.  Yes, I know I say "that's amazing" twice.  Believe me, I said a million more things in production, but I guess those were the only cuts they could use.  It is amazing what can ruin a cut, from the noise, to people video bombing the production, to the lighting/focus, etc.

I am not quitting my day job anytime soon, I can assure you.  But that was a really fun experience for this new mom!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Nola Report

We just completed another Nola whirlwind weekend!  This time Isla got to meet her family from Baton Rouge and Key West.  She had such a blast with her cousins and family! 
Cousins Maddie, Willow, and Isla
Fun times with the baby!  Isla LOVED the big girls. 
Now this is fun!  I can climb into this cabinet and throw everything out in Mema's new house!
I love to snuggle with my Great Uncle Buzzy. 
Church with Mema and Daddy...I swear I am listening! :)

I had a great time as well.  Dave and I spent some wife/hubby time at French Quarter fest for a few hours- only the 4th time in 9 months we have gone out without little Spreaglet.  We missed our sweetheart, but had a good time relaxing a bit. 
I also spectated the Nola 70.3 race.  Dave asked me if I could recall the last time took a bike to a race to spectate, and I guess it was probably 2007?  I forgot how much fun spectating could be!  I am usually so gung-ho to race.  I will say this- spectating the race made me realize how far away I am from being strong enough to race triathlons.  Being a spectator grounded me.  I am glad I have cancelled a few races and pushed some things back.  I am not ready!  (but I want to be and will be with time!)
Now, I have never approached a pro for an autograph or picture.  I love meeting people and friends, but I am not a true stalker.  (just a sometimes blog stalker like all of you are).  :)  But, Andy Potts just seemed SOOO nice, I couldn't help but say hi.  And he WAS as nice as he seems.  Super, duper cool guy.  Chatting with him was a definite weekend highlight. 
Ahhh...and the icing on the cake- hanging with Travis and Mary.  These two are some of my favorite friends.  I am so happy to be part of the Wattie team that has so many close knit friendships.  Love you guys and thankful for the positivity, support, and good times you bring to my life!

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Start Somewhere

The dreaded 5k

As I lined up for my first 5k this weekend since July when I was 3 weeks postpartum and soooo not ready (and before that, I had not run an open 5k since 2010!!!!), I heard everyone grumbling about how they hated 5ks.  And truly, it is a hard distance.  It is more truthful than any other distance to me.  I can fake a marathon, oddly enough, like I did a few weeks ago.  I can always go the distance if I just slow down.  But running hard and trying to go fast?  #TRUTH!

But, I knew I had to start somewhere, and I found a FREE 5k and signed up.  (Can you believe free ones exist!  I felt like a super coupon lady!) I had every single excuse not to run it.  I haven't done any speedwork, I haven't one single fast mile in 2 years, I just took 2 weeks off, yada yada yada.  I tried the excuse that I shouldn't line up to race if I wasn't ready. 

I finally called bull on myself and got out there.  It was free, and I needed a baseline.  And more than that, I NEED and WANT to get back out there.  So, as I started running, I used the following as my internal monologue:
  • These hills are making me stronger
  • This is money in the bank
  • I am smooth and controlled
  • I am so lucky I get to do this
  • What a great workout!
  • Every step is making my legs strong again
I crossed the line in 23:11/7:28 pace.  I was not disappointed.  I honestly thought I would be lucky to run sub 8 minute miles, and heck, my last 5k was 33 minutes!  So, my expectations were realistic and I pleasantly surprised myself.  I was also grateful to run my 3 fastest miles since Isla.  I didn't pout at the time or compare myself to my pre-baby days.  I have decided there are no more pre-baby days.  There is just the post-baby Damie, and she is going to blow the pre-baby Damie away.  So I am only looking forward. 

What I really noticed more than anything was just a lack of strength.  My legs just don't have the power and push that they used to.  My core is weak.  I don't just float along with nice strides, I am more like forcing a fast shuffle.  I have also noticed this glaring lack of power and strength on the bike, so I now have some information to use to get stronger. 

 My big girl is now 9 months!
 Let me just test the water for the dogs and make sure it is drinkable. 
 I LOVE YOU!!!!!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Unscheduled Fun

Big break done! The fam was sick for a whole week.  That included Dave, who never gets sick, so we must have picked up something bad.  Thank you daycare!  (or my patients?)

After a full week being sick with no exercise, I took off another full week just because I was so tired of the stress, setbacks, and struggles.  My back has been absolutely killing me since October, and I was getting frustrated being in pain and not making progress in health and fitness.  I got on the trainer one day and just realized I was just tired of trying to fit it all in.  So, I gave myself another mandatory week off, and it was absolutely the right thing to do.  After about a week I was ready to get back out there, but I had a few stipulations:
1.  I need to make sure I train with people at least 1-2 times a week.  I am isolated as a mom and need some adult time.
2.  I need to be outdoors and get some sunshine.  Time to kick the winter blues.

And the big one:
3.  I need the flexibility to skip a workout when I don't sleep with no feelings of guilt.  (thank you Jen for listening to me work through this!)  One or two nights of no/little/poor sleep, no big deal.  Cumulative months of no sleep?  Big deal.  I have to look at my whole week of work, parenting, and other and decide if it is really worth it to sacrifice the little sleep I might get that morning for a training session.  That doesn't mean I don't love the sport, don't care, or don't "make it happen." (and if another guy tells me that maybe I just don't want it bad enough and should *just focus on being a mom*, I am going to loan him my bewbs and let him take care of my baby for a weeks' worth of nights.  Then I am going to ask him why he didn't "make it happen?"  You guys know those comments get under my skin.  I am so predictable.  Want to push my buttons?  Suggest I should quite athletics or that I am not giving it my all)  LOL! )  But anyways, no more complaints about lack of sleep.  We all get it.  I have whined enough.  Time to stop talking and just deal with it and move on.  Last time I post that I am tired.  From now on, I am energetic and on it!  I will make choices on when to sleep in and when to train.  

So, with some reworking of the schedule, which is now not a schedule, I am back at it and happy to be there.  I have run with friends, joined in on the Peddler ride for the first time in 2 years, and will hopefully get back to master's swim if my back will let me this week.  I also got my bike cleaned and tuned, and I am in love all over again.  

So, I make a decision to NOT have a schedule, and good things have happened.  For the first time in almost 9 months, Isla let me run 4 miles while pushing her in the BOB without a meltdown.  You see, everyone thinks that parents can just throw their kid in a stroller and go run, but not all kids work that way.  Isla was never able to tolerate it.  But now that she is getting older, she is enjoying more, tolerating more, and able to do more.  It is coming- just on our schedule.  And we are enjoying it, not forcing it through tears. 

That is it!  Spring is here and we are moving forward!  Isla is just amazing and I LOVE hanging with her.  We have spent a lot of time playing lately with other kids and just doing fun things.  This is such an amazing age.  Every day is more amazing than the last.  It is really very cool. 
Where is your hair, Isla?
Thank you, Roo, for giving her your dog toy.  Straight to the mouth, of course. 
Fun times at the park!  (thank you, Landon Kidd, for the tutu)
Putting on the party dress for a baby shower. 
Piper, would you like to play with this paper plate with me?
Oh, it is time to wake up now?  But I just fell asleep!!!!