Friday, March 14, 2014

Good Life Perspective

Catching up- not sure it is ever going to happen.  The past two weeks have been filled with great things like being a mom, a 9 year wedding anniversary (OMG time flies!), and some solid workouts.

On the other hand, I have had some big crises this week, lots of fear and stress, and some moments where I wondered if things could get worse, but didn't want to test the universe because I was betting it could find something else to throw at me.  It was a very hard week that has not yet found its resolution. 

Now Isla brings me perspective daily.  Is she healthy and happy?  Okay, I have taken care of the most important thing.

But there were two other things I had to say and hear to really keep the stress from boiling over.  

1.   Is my family healthy?  Are the people I love okay?  YES.  Then nothing else is a true crisis.  Once I said this aloud, it gave me permission to be okay with whatever sledge hammers are swinging away at me.  The most important thing in life is the relationship we have with the people we love.  Jobs, money, and everything else are just mere blips.  I think when really hard things come at us in life, we have to take a step back and really take stock in the most important things.  Everything else can be fixed. 

2.  An awesome patient of mine in her 80s told me about losing her husband in a car crash 10 or so years ago.  She loved him so much, and misses him every day.  Out of everything that happened in her life, the loss of her husband and that love really impacted her the most.  She kept telling me about the wonderful and good life they lived together.  She reminded me to love my husband every day.  She was eating breakfast with him one minute, and an hour later he was gone.  This story came at such a great anniversary week!  And I feel the same way about Dave.  It was yet another reminder that if we have love in our lives and our important people with us, we are living a good life. 
The weekend is here!  Amen sista!  I have some good cycling and running on tap, plus some overdue anniversary time with Dave.  My goals for the weekend are:  get some strong miles on the bike, cook a week's worth of healthy food, AND do all of my physical therapy for my pelvis/back.  Yes, even PTs struggle to do their homework. 
And Isla has been terrorizing Roo.  She is fascinated by the animals, has no fear, and chases him everywhere.  Caya loves her, but Roo thinks she is bad news.  This was my solution to protect him for 5 minutes.  :)


GoBigGreen said...

Oh wow this really hit home. First of all, YES i have my own PT and my own DC and my own LMT get it. I get it. And yes i still owe you some TVA exercises that i have had to do again after beingcut open:(
In addition, you cant ever imagine your life without your best friend your husband. So yes cherish each moment. I know losing Rich has made me maybe extra clingy to those i love and for sure extra verbal about letting them know how i feel. Hopefully it hasnt scared off my BF:)
Hope to chat live soon!

Unknown said...

So happy for you Damie!! Isla is beautiful, its fun watching her grow up from afar and you are doing such a great job balancing it all! It's been fun to follow your journey. And, congrats on 9th wedding anniversary! Like Julia said we all have those "aha" moments in life which bring greater clarity.