Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Where It's At

I am here to tell you, people, that 7 months is where it's at!  People threw out all kinds of numbers at us.  "Oh, it (babies) get easier at 6 weeks/3 months/4 months/6 months."   Everyone had a different number, and as time ticked by, we kept waiting for the magic to happen.  I am here to tell you that everyone else is full of sunshine, unless you have an "easy" baby.  And yes, there are "easy" babies.  If you have a "crazy, collicky, no-sleeping, can't figure out what is wrong"  buttercup, then 7 months is the magic number.  While she still doesn't sleep, our child is all smiles, love, and play now.  She is just the most fun little person I have ever met in my life.

This weekend we took her to the zoo for her first time.  I have many mixed feelings about zoos, but I will save that for a different post.  Isla, however, had a blast.  She was so focused on every animal!  We couldn't get her to look at the camera if there was an animal in her line of vision.  She is a definite animal lover like her mama!

And, fingers crossed, this is the week that the Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee will announce their volunteers for the year.  I hope to be one of them! 
What else happens at 7 months?
  • I am now swimming at masters again.  I can only go a couple of mornings a week because it is so hard on both Dave and I with a no-sleeper, but this is still progress!
  • I went over 10 hours of training last week.  This absolutely could not be done without Dave being 100% in and helping.  There is nothing like a kid to really pull you together as a team to help everyone win with their day. 
  • Hillary must think things are looking up, because she has put a few things on the training plan that would otherwise be absurd, but I guess in my sleep deprived state they seem to make sense. 
Back to the day- have a great one! xo


Anonymous said...

So very cute! I can only imagine how hard it is to juggle it all -- glad you're beginning to find a happy medium. And Isla is beautiful!!

emily said...

yay!!! I'm so glad things are FINALLY getting easier! One of these days Isla will actually sleep too! For us the magic number was 13 months. I'm hoping it's sooner with this one!
She is so so very cute and I'm glad you are getting some good training in!!!