Wednesday, February 5, 2014

7 In

We are at the 7 month mark in our love affair with our daughter.  She is turning into a little girl so quickly!  She is at a great age right now.  She loves exploring toys and being active.  She can even play by herself for 30 minutes or so.  < This is a big deal as I don't think we were able to put her down at all for 6 months!  Now I brush my teeth more often than not.  Go me!
Life is completely awesome with little Diggles around.  No, we don't sleep.  Yes, everything else suffers on some level.  I have reached levels of tired that I didn't even know existed.  I am now unorganized and can't even keep up with a simple blog.  It is all totally worth it.

Here are some outtakes from our 7 month pictures:
I see you dad! 
Ooh ooh mom, rub RIGHT there.  Yes.  Oh that feels so good to my new little teeth!
I don't want to sit for pictures!  I am coming to get you!!!!

Okay, I am going to try to be more active on my blog.  I love to blog and I love reading your blogs!  I hate that blogging is starting to fizzle out.  I learn so much from all of my blogging friends.  So, I am going to get back on track with the blog.

Over and out!  Stay warm!  xo


Steve said...

LOL Damie. You are funny. I think you have a tremendous personality. You put the fun in life/fun in blogging in blogging. :)

Make sure you brush your toofes tonight. :)


Jennifer Harrison said...

AWE, 7 months! Happy little girl! Yes, blogging is tough, but always good when we do. Isla is getting so big for sure. I can barely remember 7 months!!