Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Friends, Weekends, Plans

I don't think Kari is going to come to again Memphis anytime soon.  Bobby's marathon was cancelled (which I am sure didn't feel great after months of training, airplane tickets, hotel rooms, car rentals, etc).  It was freezing the whole weekend, which made it tough to get outside and explore.  And to top it off, her flight home was cancelled after getting to the airport at dawn.   It seriously sucked for them.  I hope she is still my friend!
At LEAST she got to meet Isla.  Not all was a wash.  :)  And we did plan our race schedule for 2014, which includes maybe some AG Nationals action together.  We will redeem our bad weather meetings!
My little diggles is still waking up at LEAST 4 x a night minimum.  Usually more.  Exhausted?  Check.  I keep thinking we will turn a corner here.  6 months is just ahead.  That sounds like the magic month to me.  (I hope!!!!)
Getting my training done early in the morning is a little harder than I expected.  Either I didn't get any sleep, or Isla is awake and I can't figure out how to slip away.  It is such an extreme change from the "get it done/no excuses/scheduled life" I used to have. 

But I think despite all of the challenges, I am still making some progress.  The running times are slowly getting faster and the bike is feeling a little easier.   The one place where I am not seeing as many tangible results is the pool.  I am about as slow as when I first started swimming.   But, the reality is- 2 x a week is not going to cut it for me.  So, when Isla starts to sleep more, I plan to hit the pool hard!!!

Okay, time to get this little girl to bed.  She just pulled herself up to sit (first time to see that) and is eating the computer.  



Steve said...

That Mommy being sounds like an awful lot of hard work. No medals or finish line either in the future huh??

Hard stuff, and your husband works long hours, so a lot falls on you. From what I gather not uncommon at all.

It changes a person for sure too. You are a different person today, then when I first started reading your blog. I still like you too. :)

Why is that?? It isn't, because you do triathlons and stuff, cuz I don't give a rat's behind about that stuff. It isn't cuz you are a Mom either, because I am not into kids really. I think it is just cuz you gots personality.

Yep, that is why I like you.

Take care. :)

Joy said...

Don't worry, Isla is already sleeping better at 5 mos than Hunter is at 21 months! :) I was recently reading that it is so normal for breastfed babies to wake up multiple times at night-- through toddlerhood. I think it gets easier because you are able to be a little less fully awake each time you feed her -- or you don't remember what it feels like to be fully rested! Megan had a lot of success with "The No-Cry Sleep Solution" by Elizabeth Pantley. Also, keep in mind that only those parents whose babies "sleep through the night" at an early age publicly brag about it, so it makes you think yours is the one that's different-- not true! It's not like it's just because they've done something right either (on the contrary a lot of times (ahem, babywise))! :)