Friday, October 4, 2013

Back On The Plan

October is here and it is time to get back to work in more ways than one.  I resume life as a physical therapist on Monday.  It is starting to really hit me that I will not spend every minute with my daughter.  I have only been away from her for a maximum of two hours, so my heart will need a bit of an adjustment period.  I know it is good for me to work and for her to experience new people, kids, and situations....but I am sure going to miss every minute.  Even right now she is passed out on my lap- we are rarely not within arms' reach of each other. 
Isla passed out in my lap while I blog.  If I am lucky she will give me 15 minutes:)

It is also time to get back to work with triathlon!  Now, I am actually stoked about this.  I have resumed training with a coach and a plan this week.  I love it.  I am happy.  I don't need to guess what needs to happen with training.  I LOVE this.  (have I said that already?) 

So, first week back and it is tough.  The training is not the tough part as we are still just trying to slowly increase my fitness and strength.  It is just getting it done.  I think 4:30am is just going to have to be my permanent wake up time, even on weekends.  My friends know I am just not that chipper in the morning.  I don't like that one bit, but with Dave's job, it is my only chance to train.  So, do I want to sleep in or do I want to do triathlon?  I can't have both.

It is going to be different and sometimes hard, but fun and wonderful too.  I will try hard not to complain when it gets overwhelming.  (I recently heard I complain too much- so I am on a mission to laugh more and complain less!  I take constructive criticism to heart and do always try to be a better person).  After all, I do have a lot of great things in my life, especially friends.  And I am thankful for all of your love!
 An awesome package came in the mail from Isla's fairy godmother :). Thank you friends for all of the fun surprises!

It will be fun to chart the next three months on the blog and compare them to the first three postnatal months.  My goal is not to compare any times now to pre-baby and just look for a lot of post-baby PRs.  As Kari would say, here we go!

I want to end this post with a few little pictures to illustrate some differences I am noticing between mom and dad as pictures appear on my phone.

Mom and Isla play with horses. 
Dad and Isla watch sports.  Dave took this picture of Isla and called it "couch potato."  LOL!
Hey- at least they get to watch the Saints win!  Who DAT!!!!


Kris Cordova said...

OMG she is just too cute. So awesome and inspiring seeing you get back to training. Shelly and I are watching you like a hawk. I can't wait for Shelly to get back to training with me and you are showing us how it GETS DONE!

Angela and David said...

I've never been a fairy godmother before! I'm thrilled someone else gets some use out of all of the well loved stuff we have!

And going back to work will be HARD. Very HARD. But every day it gets a little easier and as they get older and you see how much it is to their benefit to be around other kids it will feel right. But that first time leaving Isla, it's okay to cry in your car in the parking lot. We've all been there.

Angi Axmann said...

AHHHH - time goes by so fast!!! Your running will improve soooo much because now you can practice with a stroller and then during races you will fly!!! Hihihi :-)

Joy said...

You're going to have all time PRs soon! Love the couch potato, I am laughing so hard!