Sunday, September 15, 2013

Getting Out

I seem to be turning a little corner on everything this week.  I ran 8 miles on Sunday with Gina, which is my longest run in 12 months.  I am sure she did not want to run 10 minute miles, but good friends will run slow with you :)  Today I did a small run, and my pace suddenly dropped into the 9s for the first time and my legs felt good.  So, we will see how the next week goes. 
I am getting a little bit better about using my resources for some help when I need it.  I took Isla to the gym daycare for the first time this week.  Of course I couldn't concentrate on working out and got her out after 30 minutes.  She was fine, I was just being a weenie.  But, I am going to keep on trying once a week to get a little workout in. 

I seem to be turning a corner on getting out of the house for some social time as well.  Nothing beats hanging out with Joy and Hunter.  I am so glad my friend moved back to the South, and now she is only 2.5 hours away.  Yippeeeee!!!!!

Friday night Isla and I cheered daddy on at the Cooper Young 4 miler.  We saw lots of friends, including my buddy Erica from prenatal yoga class.  She is also a Who Dat fan from Nola, so we are excited to put the kids in their Saints onesies and get together to watch some games. 

Saturday we spent more time with some New Orleans friends at the festival.  I see a pattern here, and it all of a sudden is clear to me why I had to have a po-boy last night. 

The week was wonderful as we got to spend so much time with daddy.  He makes every day great around here for his girls. 

Unfortunately we end the week with Isla's first fever/sickness.  With all of our outings, who knows what happened.  Since the fever won't go away, it looks like we will be at the doctor first thing in the morning.  Seeing my sweet baby sick is super uncool.  

1 comment:

GoBigGreen said...

Love reading your updates. Everyday is a new adventure, enjoy it! XOXO