Monday, September 30, 2013

12 Week Fitness

I am now at the 12 week mark in my postnatal journey.  I am not exactly sure where I am "supposed to be" or want to be at this point,  but I am happy with the way things are progressing.  I thought I would share for you mothers-to-be what my "training" has looked like since Isla's arrival.

How much am I training?

The first few weeks consisted of mostly walking.  I was still recovering from the c-section.  I would try to jog, but I just couldn't seem to run a mile without stopping.  So, I would jog a minute or two, and walk a ton.  I really was not truly able to run a few miles without stopping until week 5, and then it just clicked. 

How about pace?

My pace is slowly getting faster and I can go a little further.  My longest run right now is 8 miles.  My limiters currently are:

1.  Weight:  I still have at least 10 pounds to lose- 15 or more to get to a racing weight.  (FYI- I gained 35 pounds in pregnancy, and that was after no exercise for 2 months and putting on 5 or so pounds to help get pregnant.  So, I have some work to do).  I am 5'4", and 10-15 extra pounds is a LOT of weight for me to haul around.  

2.  My incision area still pulls and bothers me with adhesions to my pelvis.  I should have done scar mobilizations and I didn't.  I should have addressed this very early on.  Dern.

3.  Lack of muscle/strength.  Enough said.  I started TRX last week to start addressing this.

4.  Sleep/nutrition/stress.

What about swimming and cycling?  Currently I can get in about 1-2 x 30 minutes a week of each.  Isla is not a big napper, so the trainer is not a great option yet.  I also don't have the help with Isla to really get to the pool yet.  So, these things will just have to develop with time.

Hope this helps share some "real world" insight to post pregnancy.  There are plenty of athletes more "elite" than I who made much faster comebacks, but I think as long as you are moving towards your goals, there is no right or wrong pace.  Health doesn't ever need to be a competition...just so that we all get there.  :)

Isla is looking fit at 12 weeks.  And she rocks!


Shelly Biehle said...

I'm so happy for you! Sounds like you are getting closer to where you want to be.

Thank you for sharing so honestly! When Liam gets here, I'll hopefully remember what you said. :)

GoBigGreen said...

WOW she is starting to look like a person:) i love that when they go from squishy faced baby to a person!
Hey never too late to find a good MFR person and get that scar tissue mobiliized. You are doing great Damie:) quite amazing!