Wednesday, July 17, 2013

2 Weeks and Growing

Whew! I never really understood why moms didn't have time to get some things done.  Well, just when you think you have 10 minutes, you really only have 30 seconds.  Life with a newborn is chaotic and wonderful!  Just when I have completely melted down, a new day comes and things  roll along.

Here are some pics from the past 2 weeks. 
I have lots of pictures of her sleeping, but don't be fooled.  This bundle of energy hardly ever naps (which means I don't sleep either!)  I think we are averaging 1 to 2 small naps a day.  I am trying to convince her that sleeping is cool and to try it more often.  ;)
But when she does sleep, man is she an angel. 
Now that I have a smart phone, I finally get to do some "selfies" with the two of us.  :)
I think this was our first real nap.  Hallelujah!!!

But most of the time we look like this...the two of us bundled up just starting or finishing feeding time.  I am a full time snack bar.  We had a really rough go at breast feeding, but I think (fingers crossed) we are on the up! 

Have a great week and make it count!
Love, Damie and Isla


cheryl said...

Damie, she is so beautiful!

Steve said...

Well you definitely have your hands full.

Not that I know anything about this, but I bet Motherhood really changes you as a person in ways I'd say.

I am sure normalcy comes back eventually, but it has to be a unique thing.

Best wishes to you and your family. :)

Shelly Biehle said...

She is so precious! It sounds like you are loving being a new mommy. I'm so happy for you!

Jennifer Harrison said...

SO awesome.

GoBigGreen said...

HOW precious are you all? I am so happy for you Damie, i know i say that 100 x but when my life seems pretty shitty right now in the relationship department i am so lifted up by your pictures. Thanks.

Unknown said...

Isla is so beautiful!
Love the photos. Keep em coming!