Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Wedding Weekend

31 weeks captured in New Orleans.  Believe it or not, I was a failure at taking pictures this weekend.  I don't know what happened?  I am usually snap happy, but I was not reliable this weekend.  And too bad, because I got to see so many of my best college friends- a huge group of us this weekend.  I was a real trooper for most of the weekend and even stayed out to +1am.  But, I paid for it on Sunday, when I was completely swollen for Jazz Fest (can you say cankles? seriously could not find my ankles), and then I spent the night on sick on the tile floor of the bathroom.  It took 2 days to be able to find my joints again through the fluid.  I really, really paid for my weekend, and I am now on self-prescribed easy street.  I learned my lesson.  So maw-maw Damie in effect starting now!
A picture with my Roberts' family at the wedding.
A former soccer teammie of mine, Crystal, due just two weeks after me.  So much fun!  This is her 3rd, so she is a pro at this. 
Some of my besties from college, Holly and Becca, at the rehearsal dinner. 
Watching some pro golf and eating my way through the VIP tent with gourmet food at the Zurich Classic.  This was the perfect set up for a pregnant woman!
A baby shower with lots of pink and a group of amazing and intelligent women.  I worked with some of these women when I was just 22-years-old!  It is so much fun to share life changes with friends.
The last day of survival...Jazz Fest with the wonderful Mary Thiel, Wattie teammie.  I love cheering on her awesome year as she heads to Vegas.  I had planned to dance the day away with her, but instead I sat down most of the day, wondering why I was so tired and couldn't find my knees or ankles.  Um, pregnant much?  I paid for my enthusiastic weekend x 10 later when I was so swollen I couldn't move.
And guess who missed me more than anyone back at home?  Roo.  Of course.  He didn't leave my side last night during cleaning duty.  I love coming home to my first baby.  :)

We are back home with lots to do.  And, for some reason I am actually craving the swimming pool.....


Mira (Ivanovich) Lelovic said...

OMG YOU'RE PREGNANT! I'm so happy for you! I haven't opened up my blog, or anyone else's, in years. And I don't get on Facebook much either. Guess I've become totally anti-social :(

Joy said...

I went to Vegas for an engagement party at 34 weeks. Let me tell you, I was the life of the party! :)

You look cute!

GoBigGreen said...

You are looking happy. I think it must be insulting to have people say "OH YOU LOOK SO HAPPY" etc but you do, pregnant or not. I loved Rooney in that pictures that was my frist thought too, your little caretaker!