Sunday, April 7, 2013

Into The Last Third

3rd Trimester Beginnings...
 Our Saturday trail "wog."  Best running buddies ever. 
Life is so neat in how it guides us to where we need to be.  It is so unique and individual for all of us.  That is really my only conclusion from this week. 

I am back to swimming with a new master's class.  It is a class that I would not like if I were healthy and racing because the yardage is very low and the mentality is mellow.  But it is an absolute perfect fit for me right now, and I love my new swim friends and new coach.  And the best thing about my former American Record holder and Oly trials swimming coach is.... that she just had a baby and completely gets my mentality right now.  We are working on my stroke, keeping speed and yardage expectations non-existent, and just happy when I show up.  :)

The bike trainer is going to collect dust for a couple of months now, I think.  My stomach is in the way, and no matter how high I raise the front end, I am uncomfortable and don't enjoy it.  I miss my bike more than anything, and can't wait for a crisp fall day to fit back into my bibs and take her back out on the road.  I honestly cannot wait to be smashing some miles on my bike this fall.  

And oh the run.  Just yesterday I wogged the trails and had a great time.  I felt so good that I decided to leave the dogs home today and get out there by myself and focus a little more on my run.  My pregnant body is unpredictable, and while yesterday I felt good, today I felt horrible and turned my jog into a hike.  I have been running very, very very very very very little during pregnancy.  (I haven't kept a training log....I decided training logs are for training.)  It was inconsistent in 1st trimester, inconsistent in 2nd trimester, and (drumroll) inconsistent in 3rd trimester.   I think the message is that this is really just a time to enjoy getting out there with my dogs, so from now on, if I plan to wog, the dogs go with me.  While my legs feel great and want to GO, nothing else about the backpack I am carrying in front of me feels the same way.  So, this is the universe telling me that it is not about running right now, it is about spending time with my four-legged babies in nature and enjoying our time together. 

I am at 28 weeks now with 12 weeks more or less to go.  We are hanging in there....loving being pregnant and all that comes with it:  sleeping in, living a mellow life, taking everything easy, spending time with the people I love, and just feeling the love.  I am definitely missing a good hard run, smashing myself on my bike, and good, long swim interval workouts.  I would say that everything is probably in balance as it should be. 




Chukie B. said...

I am so glad you are relaxing and enjoying yourself right now... If it makes you feel any better, I feel the same way right now and I am not even pregnant... I am so ready to just race something and go as hard as I can even if it is me being out of shape racing... I miss it!!!

You look great!!

Chukie B. said...

oops... i was afriad I was under him - it is me!!!

Steve said...

balance is a strong word to use, because I doubt we ever feel like that.

I will tell you one thing I respect is you putting pics. of your pregnant self on your blog. Being pregnant means you definitely look different than when you are in the middle of training for an ironman.

I don't always know how girls will feel about that, but I think it is great you show confidence in how you are.

Take care Damie. :)

Anne-Marie said...

aww, you look so cute!! glad to hear you're enjoying pregnancy and doing well!

Laura said...