Sunday, April 21, 2013

30 Weeks

This weekend went by way too fast.  Is Monday really just a few hours away?  I am looking at my work schedule for tomorrow and thinking it is impossible.  I don't know how I will make it through without coffee.   
Congrats to everyone at Nola 70.3...lots of great racing by my Wattie Ink teammates.  And Colonel Mustafa did it again....tracked down Andreas Raelert and they tried to call me so I could say hello to my very favorite triathlete.  As luck would have it, I was in yoga class and missed the phone calls.  So, another missed phone call by Andreas.....  DERN IT!!!!  Where is the luck I ask????
I had a lot of sister time this weekend.  So much, in fact, I am surprised we were not sick of each other.  But, nope!  Still friends!
Now that the 30 week mark is upon us, things seem a little more real.  The belly is growing weekly, and just when I think it can't get bigger, it does.  Hard to imagine there is +/- 10 more weeks of growth to happen.  Otherwise I am feeling good, although today was my first "hormonal" day, where I cried twice to Dave. (although thank goodness it has just involved crying and no craziness!)  Babies aren't just handed to you, apparently.  You have to work for them physically, emotionally, and spiritually.  I think this is all intended to toughen me up and prepare me for the really hard work when she gets here.

Happy week to come to all- train well- and enjoy the spring if it is in your area.


1 comment:

Steve said...

You are a cute preggo, but you still haven't convinced me. I still don't want to become pregnant. :P