Sunday, March 31, 2013

Weekend Wrap Up

Nothing going on with ME on the training/racing front.  I walked x 2 this weekend.  That is it.  I am excited to start a new swim class tomorrow.  I have been extremely lonely doing every bit of exercise by myself during pregnancy, and it is de-motivating to say the least.  I am hoping this new class will give me a little lift to keep trying to do a little something every day.   Updates to come.  

Tucson camp is going on with the one and only Hillary Biscay.  I had so much fun last year that I am really, really missing everyone and the great riding and training.  I can't wait to return, and I am loving keeping up with everyone having such a good time.  

Everyone was also looking amazing at Oceanside 70.3!  Lots of really fast running and everyone seemed to enjoy the course.  Huge props to my Wattie teammates that crushed it like James Adams grabbing a Vegas slot, Emily Kratz winning her AG, the indestructible Gerry Foreman winning his AG, and many more!  This looks like a great race to put on the future calendar. 
Of course the fab Heather Jackson grabbed a huge win, and a chance to run with EuroStar to the finishers chute.  The EuroStar has promised me some finish line support when I get back into the game. 
So Easter weekend has come and gone.  Lots of cute baby things are appearing at our house.  My favorite Londoner happened to send these to awesome! 
It is clear my sister and I share some genetics, as we showed up to our family Easter day wearing almost matching outfits.  Unplanned, of course. 
I am now in maternity clothes.  I look "more pregnant" in them, but they are way more comfortable.  I broke down and actually bought a few things this weekend (using a gift card of course....heaven forbid I used my own fun money to buy clothes).  

Work week is just a few hours away.  Time to keep socking away money and plan for some mommy-baby time. 13 weeks to go for me.  It feels so far away, but I guess it is right around the corner, too. 



Angela and David said...

Hey lady - message me your address. I give my niece most of Landon's hand me downs but they are only 6 months apart and soon will be too close in size to share clothes so I know how you hate to buy clothes so I'd be happy to send them your way. And you look super cute in maternity clothes!

Anne-Marie said...

I'm getting caught up on blogging after a social-media hiatus... so excited to see you're having a baby girl! you look great!

happy belated birthday too!

ADC said...

You look so cute. Glad the stuff arrived. Can't wait to see the cute little bundle when she arrives.