Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Some Rules of Life

This has been copied from the Blue Plate Cafe in Memphis.  I thought it was a great list of rules, so I am sharing it.  It is credited to Drew Brown, a regular customer of the restaurant.

1.  Wake up.  Show up.  Pay attention.
2.  Be happy and have fun!
(life is a trip- enjoy the journey.)
3.  Learn, master, and play by the rules.
4.  Get an education.
(Knowledge and Wisdom are the key.)
5.  Work hard.  Work smart.  Never quit.
(Nothing good comes easy.)
6.  The "Circle Theory" is in effect.
(Integrity.  Never lie, cheat, or steal, especially from yourself).
7.  Know your weaknesses and overcome them.
(Power is when you ask for help and use it.)
8.  Learn a  skill, trade, or profession you love and master it.
9.  Deadly Sins.
(Pride, Envy, Anger, Sloth, Greed, Gluttony, Lust, Alcohol/drugs.  Doing wrong when you KNOW right.)
10.  Don't judge and learn how to forgive.
(Surrender to win.)
11.  Never sweat the small stuff.
(Most of it is small stuff.)
12.  Treat all with dignity and respect.
(Especially yourself.)
13.  Acquire patience and serenity.
(Learn to be still, be quite, be at peace and meditate.)
14.  Make a negative a positive and learn from the past.
15.  To thine own self be true.  Develop self discipline.   
(Do what you are supposed to do, not what you want to do, until what you are supposed to do is what you want to do.)
16.  You gotta believe!

Hope everyone has had a positive and productive day! :) xo


Jennifer Harrison said...

LOVE it. I love lists like this.
I would just add:

Always be GRATEFUL.


GoBigGreen said...

Yes yes espec to what JH said. Appreciate so much! How are you Damie! I love that you are blogging so much:) Miss you.