Saturday, January 26, 2013

Little Updates

Yikes!  No real updates because nothing new!
  • Working is keeping me unreal busy.  I am trying to work a ton to buffer the months off I will have coming up.  It is a little scary, though, and it seems like we will never have enough money to make it through that time. (I don't get any PTO or maternity leave).  So, the challenge for me right now is to work a good amount without over doing it.  I try to replace my fears with gratitude, and thank the universe for giving my family the ability to take care of ourselves. 
  • On a great work note, I did help someone walk yesterday for the first time in years.  She has Parkinsons, and no one had the patience to take their time with her.  After she took her first, amazing steps, she thanked me and cried for taking the time to really help her.  And that is why I love my job.  
  • When I ran yesterday, I had the funniest experience that really made me giggle.  I was running downhill and didn't really realize it.  I felt like I was flying!  Then, I got to the flat road at the bottom and it was like getting hit by a truck.  I could hardly move!!!!  It was soooo funny, and I really understood physics at that moment and how weight affects running!
  • Alton is doing fine, I think.  I went to see him this week but wasn't able to get him out of the kennel :(  Otherwise, I am not getting much information on him, but I think everything is stable and hopefully will be okay.  I will get some pics and updates asap.  
And that is it for now!  I hate just posting little lists, but I feel so boring these days!

18 weeks.... xo


Anonymous said...

I read your Alton posts and he is so lucky you were there to rescue him! I'm sure he will be a wonderful dog and you're a lovely person for fighting for him. :) Can't wait to hear about his progress! Now, don't you work in healthcare? But they don't provide PTO or maternity? Sheesh, I think my old boss got 4wks Paternity.. that's crazy! And yay for your lady to walk her first steps! I can't imagine how much that meant to her. Okay, I'll stop rambling... Have a wonderful weekend!!

Wendy @ New Moms Talk said...

Thank you for helping the woman who has Parkinson's walk yesterday!

Both of my husband's parents live with it. They are the most wonderful people!

The day after our daughter was born in December, his Dad felt strong enough to hold her. It was the first time in many years that he held a wee grandchild.

Thank you for what you do!

Anne-Marie said...

I missed the original Alton posts so I had to go back and look through them... wow! Poor doggie - glad you were able to rescue him... you are such a good person! He looks like he'll be a beautiful dog when he gets healthy. :)

ADC said...

Yay for the update. I love reading them regadrless how small they are. Yay for 18 weeks. Nearly half-way there.