Thursday, January 31, 2013

Baby Girl

I have already posted this on facebook, but I thought I would share it on the blog as well if you missed it. 

Yesterday we had an ultrasound and were happy to see lots of organs in their correct places, 5 fingers on each hand, a developing spine and brain, etc.  :)  No problems noted on the ultrasound.  Yay!!!!  The ultrasound tech also wrote the sex of the baby down on a card for us to open later that night with our family.  Baby girl or baby boy?  I would say 95% of the guesses were for a girl.

This was all my sister's idea.  We delivered her the unopened card and she made a cake for us to "reveal" the sex of the baby at dinner.  Pink filling= girl, blue filling=boy.

 Thank you to my sister for this precious hand-made cake!  What a thoughtful idea!

Dave and I cut the cake wedding style. (and, as a funny sidenote, the photographer at our wedding did not take a single pic of Dave and I together EXCEPT for cutting the cake.  ???  seriously.  So, I am going to have to start a cake cutting picture album!  ha!)
Anticipation!  We had no clue!  and PS, I want everyone to check out my boobs.  No, I have never had them before.  They are humongous on me, and it is the first thing everyone notices.  They literally appeared overnight at around 8 weeks.  I can't wait to lose them and get my old non-existent boobs back.  
Pink filling!  It is a girl!!!!

We are very excited.  We didn't care one way or another what we were having, so we had no expectations and just a lot of happiness and fun times ahead. 
Thank you to my family for continuing to make this a special time for me.  I knew I was happy, but your enthusiasm has exceeded any expectation I might have had...if I had any.  :)


Michelle Simmons said...

OK that is the cutest way ever to find out it's a girl!!! We didn't know til moana popped out, though somehow around 4 months I just had an overwhelming sensation and *knew*... It was weird. but mother's intuition is strong.

Baby girls are awesome!

Jennifer Harrison said...

Yes, I agree, FUN way to find out the gender...I do hear people doing this now...CONGRATS on a healthy little girl.

I LOVE girls...SO SO SO Fun! Congrats!

Anonymous said...


Nancy Neatt said...

What a great idea!!! Congrats!!!

Wendy @ New Moms Talk said...

Congratulations to you and your husband!

May your journey to meeting her be full of love, health, and all that you (all) need!

leslie said...

Congrats!!! A beautiful baby girl to chase after her mom! Happy for you both!!

ADC said...

Yay for the card idea. Can't wait for our boy to meet your girl :)))

Laura said...

You are so adorable! I love this!! Congratulations Damie and Dave!

Shevaun said...

Girls rule! Congratulations.

dianafreyaldenhoven said...

Congrats Damie! Can't wait to see pictures of that little girl!