Monday, December 31, 2012

Up To Date

I have been taking longer and longer breaks from blogging, and it is hard to get it started back up!!!!

Now that the baby announcement has been made, I can catch everyone up a bit.  :)

Dave and I talked about having children back in 1997.  I am not kidding....we weren't even dating.  But, there was this really weird connection we always had, and we had this suspicion we would get married even back then.  And, I remember exactly where we were when he brought up the topic of having kids way back then.  I definitely believe in life circles, and this is one of them!

I found out I was pregnant in October.  I had just started back to light running at about 20 minutes at a time post walking pneumonia/EBV/sitting on my butt for 2 months.  To say I was out of shape was putting it lightly.  My HR had been high for the past week simply because I was out of shape, so I had been jogging at MAF to get some aerobic fitness back and help my legs get used to weight bearing again.  But, on the third day or so, I went for a 20 minute "jog," and something just felt different.  My legs felt fine.  I was ready to run, but my breathing was way off. 

I can't say what triggered my instincts, but I just turned around, went home, and took a pregnancy test.  I have had so many single-lined, negative pregnancy tests that I was just stunned when I saw a second line.  I thought those two-lined test results didn't exist!!!! 

So, I took 2 more tests just to be positive :) (Even though I know there are really no false positives on those things, it was still unbelievable). 

I spent the first trimester with this big secret.  We wanted to wait a bit before telling our families and friends just in case the pregnancy didn't progress as planned.  I do have to give huge props to:   1.  Kari for hosting my boring, slow, non-drinking self in Pittsburgh.  She was the first person to know, because I couldn't think of a single good excuse to go to a football game with her and not drink.  So, I had to 'fess up.   and 2.  Angelina ADC for being my other preggers friend during this time.  We knew we had both been trying to get pregnant for a while, and it was great to have another friend, albeit an ocean away, just a few weeks ahead of me to give me encouragement.  We would talk almost daily about our "little secrets!" 

After making it through the first trimester, we gave our family a Christmas surprise.  :)

So, that brings everyone up to date!

Dave and I are of course thrilled.  It took some time for this to happen for us, but I always feel confident that there is a time for everything, and it is different for everyone. 

So, how about that first trimester?  I will save that for the next post....


ADC said...

I am so glad your secret is out - but i do miss our 'chats'.

nancy neatt said...

YAY Damie!! So happy for you--congrats!!!