Thursday, November 1, 2012

Slowy But Surely

The Steelers game was almost exactly how I envisioned it would be.  I had guessed it would be cold, and only the hardy would survive...and I was right!  I had a great time psychoanalyzing Steelers fans (and Northerns in general), watching RG3 play, and listening to the guy next to me flirt with Kari the whole time, while his dip drooled from his mouth.  I would like to say that Kari and I are triathlon friends, but I think we are more like football frienemies that just happen to do triathlons.  I don't think I have another girlfriend that would sit in that weather and just truly watch the whole game.  Good stuff:)

I am back to "exercising."  Once I turned a corner...about 2 weeks ago, I was able to just start moving again.  I was told it might take around 6 weeks to feel better from the walking pneumonia, and sure enough, it seemed to be right around that time I just felt a ton better.

After almost 2 months of ZERO exercise, my butt is sagging and I have lost all muscle.   I am also 10 pounds heavier now than I was at this time last year.  At only 5'4", I have no where to hide it.  Lord knows it never goes to my boobs. 

The first week back I did 3 total hours of "exercise.  The next week 4, and you got it...moving on to 5.  Easy does it.  I feel quite a bit like I did after knee surgery.  The loss of muscle just really makes things harder than they should be.  My knees even feel achy, and I know it is because I do not have the muscle in my legs to attenuate the force and impact.  I think I did a really great job of rehab and training post surgery, so I am following some of my same guidelines with this.  I am looking at 10+ min/miles right now, but I am not discouraged.  I have never been too proud to run that slow.  I am just glad to be there.

The bike has been much of the same.  Pace is slow, watts are low.  But, I am on it and feeling fine, so that is on the up. 

The swim has been a whole different animal.  For what it is worth, I guess I haven't been truly swimming since I hurt my shoulder in March.  Boy was I in for a rude awakening when I felt ready to hit the pool again!  1:50 became the new 1:30 T- pace for me.  I kid you not!  For the past 2 weeks, I have just been starting from scratch with pace and distance.  1000 yards was really hard for me initially.  A 1:45/100yd felt all-out, and it took me 24 strokes to get across 25 yards!

But, I am just getting in there when I can and building one little piece at a time.  I think back to the 100x100 I did in March at approx 1:30-1:35 pace for all of them.  It took me years to get there.  Years and yards and work.  From not being able to swim across the pool, to swimming 10,000 yards.  I did it once, and I can do it again. 

So, everything feels like it is moving in the right direction.  I won't feel confident in dispensing advice on handling immunity/infection issues until you see me on the start line of a race, but I will let you know what I have done up until now that seems to be working:

1.  I did no exercise as prescribed (that means NOTHING...not even lifting weights).  I took more time off in the past 2 months than I have taken in the last 4 years combined. 
2.  I really worked hard on my nutrition during that time to give my body a fighting chance at healing itself.  Lots of vegetables.  No dairy, no sugar, no wheat/gluten....nothing that might be affecting my gut.  I have even cut back on alcohol.  (insert tear drop)
3.  I added probiotics to my diet.  I have no clue if they are helping me, but it sounded like a good thing to do. 
4.  I read up on Epstein Barr and mycoplasma pneumonia A LOT.  Here are some interesting links: 
- Huge forum where you can find lots of EBV information. 
- Cycling article on EBV (near bottom) with some good information. Here is another good one. 
5.  I reached out to a professional triathlete that has had EBV.  I listened and learned.  
6.  I have had a huge problem with insomnia since this all came on.  Apparently, this is pretty common with these infections.  So, I don't beat myself up with I stay up late, sleep late, or take naps.  Whatever brings me rest is cool.  And, wouldn't you know, as I have felt better, I have started to sleep at night as well.
7.  I am coming back slowly.  You won't catch me with the boys on my bike or see me at any workouts for many more months.  No one day feels as good as an entire season of healthy, fast racing will!

The main message I have learned is this:  having a poor immune system and susceptibility to viral and bacterial infections does not come from "over-training" as so many people suggest.  If it did, all ironmen would have EBV, because we all exercise beyond what is prescribed as normal, healthy limits.  However the majority of people that have EBV are non-athletes and severe "under-exercisers."  Exercise is only one of three components to some major immune-related disorders.  Immune health is comprised of nutrition (probably most important), exercise, and rest/relaxation.  For triathletes, it is easy to see how we can be so wrong in at least 1, if not all 3 areas! 

So, that is all I have for now. 

And, since I didn't have any kids to dress up for Halloween, I will share with you some of my favorite Halloween pics of my sister and me. 

Happy Belated Halloween....and happy All Saints Day!


Michelle Simmons said...

I have a feeling I'll be writing a post titled 'Slowly But Surely' as well here in the next several months. GLAD you're on the upswing!! It's interesting to me how vicious viruses can be?? Shingles is a similarly disabling virus. Apparently it comes from a compromised immune system and everyone immediately jumps in and tells me I'm too stressed out but I had my cortisol levels tested the week prior to the onset of this and they came back well within the normal range. I mean, my life is not really THAT stressful. So. Go figure.

Jennifer Harrison said...

SO glad you are on the upswing! So exciting to hear this! I know you and Kari had a great time together....cracks me up everytime you 2 are together! Enjoy getting fit again.

jennifer said...

Yay, sounds like you're making progress!! So good to hear. You're doing all the right things with diet and rest. Have you had your vitamin D levels checked? That was a contributor to my autoimmune issue earlier this year. Keep up the good work mentally and physically!

Anne-Marie said...

I love the Halloween pics- those are adorable!

Your attitude and approach to getting back into training are definitely inspiring - keep it up! :)

ali said...

Glad to hear you are doing better. Good health is priceless:)! Hard to believe your nutrition caused this immune response. We athletes think we know how to eat:)! Did u have to add in meat?

Damie said...

No- I didn't add in meat. I am not going to at all. I don't think nutrition caused this. I just got a bacterial and viral infection. I can get those just going to work. But, I stood a better chance fighting it with diet changes. At least that is the way I understand it.
@everyone- thanks for the sweet messages. :)