Saturday, November 3, 2012


My energy is returning in leaps and bounds. I am being really cautious with my "training" and trying to keep everything on the lower and easier end of things. This is easy to do when I remind myself that I don't have any races for many months!
I took the husband and the dogs to the trails today for a 1 hour "jog/hike."  Out of the 4 of us, I am the fattest and most out of shape.  Yet somehow, I was the only one that felt like running!  15 minutes in and my crew needed to walk.  So, we hiked, talked, peed on things...all of the things you do on trails. 
I was so excited to see that I was ready to run and wanted to run!  I could have run the whole time ~ and that was good to know.  I am telling you, though....there is nothing better than hitting the trails with the dogs.  There is something so natural and wonderful about it. 

And look at me!  Twice in a day?  I haven't seen two workouts in a day since July!!!!  I flopped around in the pool today with my awesome swimming friend Jen (as in she laps me on everything awesome college swimmer).  But, listen to this.  All of a sudden, my stroke count went from 24+ the other day to 19-21 today.  Everything felt easier, times were was crazy?  Jen kept me on track with an easy swim- we kept it short and sweet with no intervals and no speed.  Just getting in and getting used to swimming again.

So, easy does it.  Energy is good, and I am making sure I don't sabotage it! 

Happy home with the dogs and kitty.  I think they love their mommy :))))))))))


Molly said...

Awww! I love the puppy pictures :) What sweethearts!

Molly said...

Also, completely cracked up at the "peed on things" - but that's because I live with 3 boy dogs :)

Anne-Marie said...

Yay! Glad to hear your energy is coming back.

Also, I'm so jealous you were able to be outside wearing shorts/tank top. I froze my butt off riding in mid-30 temps today & yesterday!