Sunday, November 11, 2012

More play...

I so badly want to write of killer bike rides and long runs.  Hopefully by January this blog will take a turn back to the training side of things.  For now, I have to find contentment in more family, more friends, and less sport.  It is a hard adjustment, but I am getting to have some nice social weekends along the way.
My super cute nephew, Nathaniel had his 1st birthday on Saturday.  My sis did a great job hosting a fun party for family and friends.  She even made home-made cupcakes....  she unfortunately sent home a full container with me, which is not so full anymore..... dern her!  Sister sabotage!!!!
I woke up early this morning for a double shot of volunteering/cheering at the Overton Park 10k and the Outdoors Inc Cylocross race.  A friend recently complimented me for not sitting around with my thumb stuck up my butt while I have been sick.  In reality, my thumb is completely stuck up my butt!  But, the more I am around my friends, the more I don't sweat the small stuff.  Volunteering, friends, cheering... it makes the time pass in a more positive way. 
There is so much you can do locally to show support for friends and teams.  Even when I am not racing with Los Locos or running with Memphis Runners, it is still great to get out there and just support those that are racing and lend a hand when needed.  The support always comes back to me x 10 when I seem to need it most.

On a side note, I want to share with you this great podcast discovery I had this weekend by Jen Harrison and Elizabeth Fedofsky.  There are only 3 coaches that I ever consider consulting with on triathlon, and Jen is one of them.  I consider her one of my biggest mentors.  She was my very first triathlon coach in 2008 when I wanted a coach to help me finish my first ironman, and I have to say, I was EXTREMELY lucky to have her first.  I base all of my coaches off of her, and if they don't meet the standard, I can't work with them.  This says a lot about the way I feel about Jen. 

If is funny how my perception of coaching has changed since 2008.  Initially, I thought getting a coach was to help me with an event.  But, through the fun years, surgery, good performances, break-through, and peaks....followed by valleys, I learned that a coach can be oh-so much more than just somehow to help you finish x, y, or z.  I didn't realize I would want a coach for more than just to help with a race.  I now can't imagine having my big goals and NOT having a coach to help me get there.  It is a long term process....not just a one-shot deal.

Anyways...I still go to Jen as one of my mentors, and I trust her opinion greatly.  I am so excited she has started a podcast.  It will be such a great tool for everyone.  So, check out the first installment!!!!


Laura said...

I agree, I love supporting friends in races. The community we have (I had) in Memphis really is great like that. Thanks for being such a great supportive friend Damie!!

GoBigGreen said...

Ok:) nobody needs a champion in january so keep the killer ttraining posts for when it matters:) Jen is the best, and yes she is the gold standard.
lets catch up soon i want to know where you may be next season!

Jennifer Harrison said...

Yes, I agree, it is great to have a close Tri community where everyone supports everyone....and it is a nice way to give back after all these years we train/race.
Thanks for the nice words. I really enjoyed working with you...but you were a good student too and that helps a ton!
Hope you are feeling better & stronger every day!