Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Keeping It Easy

I had to re-do this whole post because I got a phone call from my mom just seconds after I posted it with her normal mom freakouts:  mom: "what do you mean you have a bacterial infection too?"  me:  "mom, I already told you this.  Walking Pneumonia.  It is fine."  mom:  "what is this insomnia you have?"  me:  "nothing mom.  I can't sleep.  I don't exercise, so I can't sleep.  Yes, I have taken melatonin.  Yes, I get on the couch with the dogs."

At least I know I have one blog reader that reads the whole dern thing, even if she doesn't understand half of it.  I posted a whole bunch of HR stuff, and I think she thought I was having a heart attack.

So, the point is, I am taking it easy.  No training yet, and none to be expected for a while. I am walking the dogs, having no problems with work, and starting to incorporate 1-2 miles at 11:00-12:00 minute pace here and there.  While I want to run faster, my HR is still sky-rocketing from being sick, so I am keeping everything super easy, MAF/zone 2 or less.  And, I am just trying to move a little at least every other day if I feel up to it.  We have a long way to go, but I am feeling extremely patient. 

After finishing Game of Thrones (awesome), I picked up Rich Roll's book, Finding Ultra.  I honestly thought it would be another running book with a popular-type, fit guy going on about himself.  It was not what I expected, and I really enjoyed it.  It is easy to relate to Rich, and he is not spouting off all of these amazing "look at me, I am so fast" type of results.  I also could really relate to his struggles with training (growing into the person he wanted to be) vs. career.  This is definitely resonating with me right now.  The dietary info in the book is fabulous too, especially for non-meat eaters that also want to perform.

Lots of friends in Kona...looks like everyone is having a blast.  Thinking about my friends and getting excited to see them tackle the course!


Steve said...
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Anonymous said...

Haha! No matter how old we are, moms will always worry. And panic a little. And we love them for it :) Being vegan, I really need to take the time to read Finding Ultra. Though someone just suggested that I read Failing Forward first. Just from the title I think that may be more applicable in my life right now.

angi said...

I miss you. Come visit me in az in the spring!!!

Laura said...

I wrote a great comment about being 80 and doing the Underpants Run, but Google Blogger ate it. So now you just get this sucky comment.

Oh, and can I borrow that book when you're done with it? Sounds like something I need to read....