Saturday, August 11, 2012

Single Speed Fun

I am a step closer to liking the mountain bike.

With some last minute hustling, I scored some borrowed materials from Lucia, my Xterra superstar friend, and entered a very small and short mountain bike triathlon.

Borrowed shoes and a borrowed single speed in hand, I walked into transition looking like I knew what I was doing.  I have never ridden a single speed, so I took a quick spin around the parking lot and that was it.  No time for anything else.

I started to get really nervous.  What was I doing?  I don't belong here!  I don't know how to ride a mountain bike, much less a single speed!

I talked to the race director and begged him to move me out of the elite wave to the age group start.  He refused and told me to "man-up."  So, I snuck behind his back and went to the timing people and had them change me.  LOL!  But seriously, it was about safety.  I was going to endanger everyone if I was in the way on the bike. 

Then it was time to go.  No time for worries.

The swim was fun.  I was super slow, but I had no pain in my shoulder so I was pleased with the result.

I was a total goob in transition.  I took twice as long as everyone else trying to get everything together...and I was a total dork putting on my big old Camelbak, of which I only took one sip. But hey, if I needed enough water to last me the day, at least I had it!  ha!

Then I started to ride.  Of course I couldn't get clipped in, as I don't ride egg beaters.  But, I figured it out in time and started to go.  I was really nervous with all of the other people riding around me and passing me.  It is hard to describe, but if you ride a mountain bike even a small amount, you are probably faster and better than I.  So, within the 1st mile, I panicked with some people around and went off of the trail.  But, I didn't fall off.

I regrouped, let all of the speedies pass me, and then started to ride at my granny pace.  At first I hated it.  The panic was so high.  The danger of trail riding was too much.  I swore never to ride a mountain bike again.

I pulled over and let some more people pass me.

Then I started to ride like a granny again.  But, more importantly, I started to enjoy myself.  Mountain biking at my granny pace is fun!

I ended up riding with one other guy behind me for the rest of the course.  I offered to let him pass, but for some odd reason I think he enjoyed my company and enjoyed encouraging me and he didn't take the pass.  We just talked our way through the rest of the ride.  I made it through the rest of the broken pelvis.  I did it!

And I LOVED the single speed.  It is my new favorite bike.  Lucia better hide it from me!

Off of the bike and onto the nice trail run.  I am not fast right now, but these legs have lots of miles on them from the past year, so the run was easy and enjoyable.

And with that, I was able to finish my first mountain bike triathlon and experience being a newbie all over again.  It was a lot of fun.  I have ZERO desire to race mountain bikes, but I would like to participate in more events where I can go my safe speed.  I greatly admire my friends that ride so hard and fast through the trails.  Their skill is amazing.

But, wouldn't you know it, I woke up this morning sick.  Yup....caught a cold.  Nose so swollen I can't breathe out of it, horrible head and body aches.  No resolution of symptoms over the day.  I have felt awful and have stayed home resting today.  I think my body is looking for ways to get and stay sick.  Unreal.  I keep saying this all has to pass eventually.  I am definitely upping the veggies, fresh fruit juices, etc..  But, it certainly reaffirmed my position that I do not need to be doing any ironman training or ironman racing right now!


Chukie B. said...

This is Leslie... I think it will come up as chuk! Glad you had a great race but not sure if you have a cold or some kind of gunk form that nasty lake, for the last hour... my eyes have been itching, my nose is running when it s not cmpletely stopped up and I was thinking Am I getting sick?? Hearing you say this, I am wondering if it was the water, it smelled horrible this morning.

Joy said...

Ha funny! I felt the same panic in the couple of mtn bike races I've done. But it's fun at your own pace! I can totally hear Brent tellin you to man up. Is that who it was? And I'm super surprised that wolfpack had an elite wave! And it's at Herb Parsons! Things sure change a lot when you're gone a couple years. But congrats on your race! Get well soon :)

Anonymous said...

Haha! I KNEW a race on a single speed would make a fun race report! :) You are a braver woman than I.

Anne-Marie said...

That is so cool you did an Xterra tri -- I really want to do one of those some day soon! I've been dabbling in mountain biking since Dec. but the concept of using a single speed boggles my mind- way to go on that.

Hope you feel better soon!