Thursday, August 2, 2012

Sharing Some Love

I need some help naming her.  My suggestion is Azumi.  It means "safe residence" in Japanese, so I think it would be good fortune for her to have a safe residence, and maybe she can bring safety to a residence as well.  Dave and Bekah both said the name is stupid.  Does anyone have any suggestions?
On Tues, I begged and used all of my volunteer power and coercion to get her a spot at the Humane Society, which is always completely full.  Because she was so starved and has signs of abuse (pressure sores from being forced to sit in one spot, probably in urine as well as broken teeth from possible trying to gnaw out of a chain), the Humane Society felt she was appropriate for their mission.  Until then, I am going to foster her for about 10 days. 
She has been the sweetest dog ever.  We snuggle and go on short walks. I think she might be part American Bulldog?  That is my guess. 
The brown stuff on her coat is actually dried little specs of blood from the hundreds of fleas she had on her.  When I first found her, her stomach was black, and I thought it was mud or something.  Then, I saw all of the movement and it was hundreds of fleas!!!!  Ahghhhh!!!  (Dave loves it when I bring fleas home, let me tell you).  I already gave her flea meds, so maybe we can do a bath on Saturday.  I think she is going to be beautiful.  
Her job is to eat, rest, and be happy. 
And then eat some more. 
And keep being happy!!!!!

Okay, if you have some good names for her, send them my way.  If Azumi gets a few nods, then I am going to veto Dave and Bekah  Lunch time with the dogs is over....back to work.  :(((((


Steve said...

I can't imagine how hard it will be to give up the dog in 10 days. YIKES!! I think we'd keep the pup. It would give the neighbors something else to hate us for. :)

I am okay with your original name fwiw. :)

Have fun at work. I am done Woo HOOOOOOOO!!! :)

Shevaun said...

Poor dog. She is so lucky you found her. I like Azumi. It's unique and has meaning.

Jennifer said...

LOVE Azumi!! What an awesome name. It's cool sounding but it also has meaning. Oh goodness, it's just heartbreaking to see her. Hoping she can get into a home as good as yours.

GoBigGreen said...

What about Asahi? I dont know what it means but it used to be my favorite type of tennis shoes. ITs a beer i know, but maybe that DQ's it.
I like Azumi too:)

Molly said...

She's totally adorable! And will be gorgeous when you have her all rehabbed. I like Azumi!

Iron Krista, "The Dog Mom" said...

OMG! Please please please post some after pictures when you have fattened her up :) You are her angel!

cheryl said...

How about Wink?

Jennifer Harrison said...

You are amazing to do this, the dog is SO LUCKY.

marian said...

thank you for saving her. she is beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I agree with Krista. Please post pics once he fattens up! I like the name Azumi, I also like nei li ("neelee") which is chinese for inner strength...which he has in spades.

Michelle Simmons said...

I love the name Azumi. Love it.

Anne-Marie said...

I like Azumi too!

She has such a sweet face! I'm sure she is loving her stay with you!

Laura said...

I like the name too, but here's another suggestion, what about naming her Judo, after the American Olympian Kayla Harrison who overcame abuse by someone she trusted and carried on in her sport to win a gold metal in Judo. I don't know if Dave and Bekha would be happier with that one....

You're an Angel Damie!