Saturday, June 30, 2012

Weekend Check-In

I haven't had much to put on the blog- no one wants to hear about work, and that is all that seems to be going on around here during the week.  But, hello!  The weekend is here!  Yay!!!!

Friday night at the Humane Society was wonderful.  I spent some good time with Mel, one of my new favorite love bugs (next to Shelby Angel, of course).  She was a rescue that was chained up, completely starved, ears cut off and bloody, etc.  But, of course she is so, so, so sweet!  What a great dog!  Not a mean or aggressive bone in her body, even though she was treated so poorly in her former life.  Amazing resilience! 
There is a sweet little video below of her loving a tummy rub (not my video, but one online).  So, if you think you want a pit mix, but worry about temperment, check this awesome dog out.  She is so stinking friendly and great! I could hang with her all night!
I swear I think about rescuing dogs every single day.  (Even today on a bike ride I stopped for a dog, then Brandon and Ward threatened to leave me if I didn't start riding).  It is somehow linked to my person....who I am supposed to be.  I just haven't found the exact connection yet, but I am trying to stay open to finding the path.  

On to training, although there is not much to report.  I so badly want to be training hard right now, but I have been fighting an awful respiratory infection for 3 weeks that has been kicking my butt.  I am dragging myself through some easy workouts when I can, and when I can't get out of bed, I just stay in bed!  Unfortunately I have been in bed more often than not.  Hopefully this will be resolved soon, as the first round of treatment did not work (another doc apt on Tues). 
I am not going to tell you how hot it is here.  Cooley will tell you with this post-ride picture. 
I attempted to ride today.  It is hard to know when to try to train when you are sick.  I decided that if I could get out of bed, I should try.  I always find it hard to know when I am hurting myself by training through being sick and when I am just being a weenie.  I guess I would rather err on the side of the former. 
Tonight I got to celebrate at a fundraiser for my high school friend Elizabeth (in the middle) as she battles cancer.  The tumor is now gone, but she still has 6 more months of chemo.  Being with her tonight was inspiring- her strength as a wife, mother, and friend has been amazing. 

Happy weekend, health, and good friends to all.


Steve said...

geesh. Hope you feel better quickly.

GoBigGreen said...

rest up girl your body is telling you to chill-ax. I know its hard:) trust me, i know.
Those pups are too cute.

hillary said...

i totally hear you about puppy rescue. my next step is to volunteer at a shelter as well. is yours a kill shelter? i'm just not sure how i will stomach that aspect but i guess the alternative is not doing anything to help these guys find homes so i will need to DEAL! but i think we need to start our own rescue, really.

Jennifer Harrison said...

Feel better, Damie. Not fun at all. And, I love the inspiring stories - good luck to your HS friend. And, we are so hot in Chicago, I can only imagine that Memphis is SMOKING hot. !!!

Laura said...

Funny about the heat - I feel like Memphis trained me in what real heat is like, so when people say it's hot but it actually goes below 80 degrees at night and it's not a gazillion percent humity, I think to myself, "hot? Pssspt!"