Sunday, January 1, 2012

2011, Done!

I started 2011 excited to race. I had Ironman Wales planned as my "A" race, and I was really starting to make some progress post surgery.

Except that by March I still could hardly run 10 a weekly average. I was not enjoying running at all, and I had serious doubts if I could make it to the start line of IMWales. I started working with Tim at the end of the month, and the rest of the year is really a story about training consistency and a lot of hard work.

Rebel Man: amazing support through the season from my teammates
Rebel Man Triathlon. I was scared to race- I wasn't ready. Something changed when I lined up, and I forgot all of my fears and just focused. I had a great start to the season with a 1st OA.

April: hit by a car while riding my bike. I think it must be comparable to what it feels like to be attacked by a shark. One minute you are doing your own thing, and then with no warning something just hits you from behind. My brain and vital organs were intact, and I felt very lucky. It was a hit and run, and fortunately another car chased the guy down and we were able to call the cops on him.

Morgan and Damie post race :)
Steamboat Classic Triathlon: grabbed 2ndOA female to up and coming pro, Morgan Chaffin. We matched each other on the bike and run which was very encouraging for me, but she killed me in the swim. We had an awesome time hanging out after the race, and she has been such a great source of encouragement and support through the year. Watch for good things from her in 2012. She has been training very, very hard.
Riding in the flat- when it all goes wrong, just keep your chin up.
Memphis In May: I think this race is tied as one of my season's best. I panicked in the swim (I guess you are never too experienced for that?) but rallied to have an amazing bike and chase everyone down in my AG. And then I flatted in the rear around mile 20- my first race flat ever. I had nothing to change the tire, and I had to stand up and ride it in nice and easy to keep the tubular on the rim. I mentally blocked out the loss of time and just did my best for the rest of the race. I had a PR run, and finished 1stAG. If you just keep moving forward, it is never over till it is over.

Heat management was the ticket to the day.
Rock N Roll Half Iron: tied for best race of the year with MIM. I set a PR for this course by almost 37 minutes and won 3rdOA and money! I was pleasantly surprised to see that for once, I could handle 90+ degree heat for racing.

I hadn't felt this bad since Chicago Marathon of 2007. Every step of the run was misery. My mantra was no walking, even if I had to jog 15 minute miles.
Racine 70.3: And as good as the previous half was, this was just as bad. I felt awful the whole weekend- full of stress, complete lack of sleep, and just not in a good place to race. I pushed my brain and body the whole way to work with me and help me pull through, but it just wasn't my day. And on this day, I just couldn't handle 90+ degree racing. At the end, the cold beer with my husband and friends was a welcome relief.

Just get out there and go! Race because you love to race. You can't always been 100% ready.
Mountain Lakes Triathlon: I was pre-registered for this race, then spend the 48 hours before the race throwing up from both ends from a virus. I did not want to let 9 weeks pass between my last race and Wales, so I decided to race even though I wasn't firing on all cylinders. I didn't feel good, but it was great practice before Wales to go through the motions and make sure I had everything working. You can't always feel perfect or great for every race- sometimes you need to just do it because you like to race! 2nd OA for the day.

Triathlon= a great adventure!
Ironman Wales: I heart international racing. It was an amazing venue and a great day for me, especially on the run. I enjoyed the long distance so much, and I promised to not let so many years pass before my next ironman.

The end of triathlon 2011!
Heber Springs Triathlon: I thought I was through for the year, but I still has some motivation in me:) I will say that going from an ironman to a sprint was hard...I don't think my legs had a fast twitch muscle left in them. 1stOA to end out the season.

Thank you were a great year. Thank you to everyone that offered help and support through the year. Welcome 2012! Let's make it happen!


Steve said...

Hi Damie. I just read your last two blog updates, and followed your active triathlete one. I see you commented on Angela's site frequently. I am going to add you to my list.

I am a married dude who has a great wife. My life is pretty great, and I like to comment on blogs for better or worse. :)

Best wishes. :)

cheryl said...

Damie - you had a great year! Conats... Hope 2012 is even better.

cheryl said...

That was supposed to be congrats! Not conats :-(

Molly said...

Wow! What a fantastic year!!! Way to go! I can't wait to hear what 2012 brings!

Jennifer Harrison said...

Damie! You did have a great year and you always keep it real and fun and I like that about you!
Happy New Year! :))

Laura said...

Awesome job this year Damie! You are an inspiration to me always and an amazing friend. You prove that those of us who learned to swim as adults can do well in triathlon! ;)

Love ya!

Anne-Marie said...

Awesome post! 2011 was an amazing year for you -- congrats on all of your accomplishments!

Can't wait to see how 2012 goes for you!