Monday, November 14, 2011


This is definitely a women's specific topic- fair warning.

Today I felt completely off. I woke up extremely tired and had to drag myself to the pool in order to maintain my 30 minute Oly swim- I wish that were a joke. I wasn't enjoying my day at work and my energy was non-existent. In the afternoon I started looking for candy, and those peppermint/chocolate oreos did taste really good. (I know, all of you bloggers are super healthy and never eat bad food. I would hate all of you that have never had a touch of cellulite with girl envy if most of you weren't my friends :)

And then I tried to lift tonight and my joints really hurt, as in couldn't do a squat without weight type of hurt.

I knew what was going on. Week 3. I was not sure what that really means, I just know that week 3 always stinks. My weeks usually look something like this:

Week 1: The best week to race. I actually discovered that this was also the best week for me to play soccer back in the day. I almost always had my best practices and games this week.

Week 2: All good- train/race away.

Week 3: At some point I will feel awful. Training will be affected. Pre-PMS.

Week 4: Usually early in the week, I will feel awful again. I will have horrible training/practices. PMS. End of the week will rock.

Tonight I decided to figure out why I really do seem to have a cyclical relationship with training/food/energy/and joint pain. Actually, the joint pain really spurred my research. I promise you I will run in 3 days and feel fine, but tonight my knees really, really hurt.

It seems that week 3, pre-PMS time, my estrogen and testosterone drop. There goes my energy. Estrogen is thought to be protective against pain, so that might be why my joints hurt more during this time. The hormone levels do rise up after a few days, which is probably why I don't feel bad all week.

Then week 4 rolls around and I seem to go through this all over again. Estrogen and testosterone plummet. I usually have my worst soccer practice on the Tuesday of this week (seriously- it took me years to figure out that I better be prepared to just suck at practice and spend the rest of the night crying. There was no way around it).

So, that is my excuse. Week 3- plummeting estrogen/testosterone. Tomorrow is a new day, and I ate all of the oreos so they can't sabotage me tomorrow. I am in bed and plan on getting 8 hours of sleep for real this time.


Jennifer Harrison said...

Oh boo! I am sorry to hear this...I wish I had some great advice to you...I am on the BCP so I do not feel any ups and downs on that and I LOVE IT LOVE IT...but it is all so personal with everyone. I hope you get some answers.
AND DO NOT think for one second that I would not eat that junk food with you - Oreos are not my thing - but I can out-do anyone with chocolate!!! :) Wait until next week! LOL

Angela and David said...

I have never experienced this phenomenon because I either don't get my period or am on birth control. I guess that's one upside of all my issues. Good you at least recognize the pattern so you can try to appropriately plan races.

GoBigGreen said...

I used to be so irregular i never had any of that. Now in the past 3++ yrs i am totally on and i DO get this! Totally. As for the eating and stuff I think you need to do a cleanse. ( woahahahahaaha.)

runningyankee said...

umm excuse me but what are these peppermint oreo's and why have i never seen them? are they the mint green double stuff?? and btw, i'm with you on this one. but stupid me cant keep track and then wonder why i'm crying at an ESPN story of a hs kid....