Tuesday, April 12, 2011

My mom posted an old soccer picture the other day. Love it :) I am going to have to go through her photo albums and find some other old ones. I think my parents have pictures of me as a child playing soccer, but there are almost ZERO pictures of me playing in high school or college. Maybe they were bored at that point with watching me...

Check out the black eye. Nice. Was that from child abuse or soccer? I have repressed memories...
So, I asked my mother the other day, "At what point do you remember me becoming competitive with soccer?" She answered, "the very first day you played in second grade."

My mom is prone to exaggeration. A LOT. (I get it from her). So I asked my dad, and I made sure to ask him without my mom around so I could get the true story.

He said, "You were competitive the first moment you played."

So, there we have it. In my child-like memory, I was eating grass and having fun. I was a goofy kid that just wanted to hang out with my friends. In my parents' memories, I was going for blood from day one. Nice.

1 comment:

runningyankee said...

i'm with the parents.. you're pretty scrappy ... as evidenced by the shiner... :)