Wednesday, December 29, 2010


It has been almost 14 months exactly since surgery. I think things have been going really well as a whole, and I am looking forward to 2011. :) I am running and enjoying it, so life is swell.

Dave and I have been having a lot of conversation lately about our bodies, our ages, and our future. We both hurt a lot, especially in our bones/joints. It is the result of decades of soccer, and Dave and I are the same player- we hit hard. Dave is at his crossroads right now. He is really hurting on a daily basis. Does he continue on at this pace and risk a hip replacement later in life? It is tough to know when to say when, especially when you enjoy sports.

I came to this crossroad 6 years ago, but I was too immature to think beyond my 20s. I am proud to say, though, that I finally submitted my alumni status to the soccer team. I know now that I want to be able to do triathlons in my 40s, and I am starting to see the bigger picture for my body. I am so grateful that Dave and I can share these physical challenges together.

What we have realized is that at this age, it has to be more about health. Yes, goals and accomplishment can fit in there, but we must place more emphasis on health. We are not spring chickens, and we need to take care of our bodies. They have worked so hard for us over the past years- we have demanded so much from them. We need to take care of them.

My 2011 vision for health will focus on letting my ego go and racing only when healthy. It means letting go of my athletic past and forging a new, healthy future. It also means doing what it takes to take care of my knees. I have so many goals, and I think if I do a better job of respecting my knees, they will try to accomplish everything they can for me.

The little bugger is doing okay. We had him drained today because fluid has been sitting back there for 14 months. I am going to do everything I can to appease him and keep him healthy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am VERY proud of you. I KNOW how much soccer means to you!