Monday, December 13, 2010


Yes, new job. Day #1. I am happy to be home and a little exhausted- mostly mentally. I have switched from geriatrics to pediatrics. From a 6 mile commute to hours of driving per week. To knowing how my week will play out with my patients- to having no idea how my week will play out as I build my caseload. To creating my own schedule- to having someone make the schedule for me.

They type A in me hates loss of control. I am a huge worrier. Dave told me yesterday my "only" fault (he initially said "only" but retracted the word later) is that I am glass-near-empty when it comes to the unknown. He said I stroll through life with my glass half-full, but the minute I come to a closed door with the unknown on the other side, I immediately prepare for a thunderstorm instead of a rainbow.

So big changes in jobs are super scary for me. And whoo hoo!!! I chose to make a job change around Christmas, thus adding to the seasonal stress. (hello Christmas cookies and candy!!!!! and an extra 5 pounds by January, I am sure!) Seriously, though, I am definitely stressed, but I think this will have a great outcome and will be worth the tough transition.

There have been some good changes going on as well for me. For one, I now have a new master's swim coach- Gil Stovall- totally awesome and I am loving practice again. His practices give me that sense of a accomplishment I crave. Gil and I have talked about that 41/55 swim stat from AG Nats- not going to happen again.

I have also turned another small corner with running- last week I ran 5 days in a row. I haven't done that since Feb 2009. And I felt great. (there is a small debate at this time as to whether my slow progress in running has been psychological or physiological, but that requires a whole other blog post. Both Dave and Joy adamantly believe it is physiological and I tend to listen to them as they know me best. Take home message- less is still more for me right now).

Alas, despite everything going on, Christmas is still on its way- bringing cheer and friendship. It is moving too fast for me right now and I can't keep up. But I am trying.
Brandon and Alisha- new Los Locos members, had a marriage celebration this past weekend. I am really looking forward to having them on our team.

Dave and I also went to our soccer team's Annual Sweater (tacky) Party this past weekend. Super fun. And yes, that is a side-pony tail.


Angela and David said...

Congrats on the new job! The adjustment period is always brutal and nerve wracking.

Nice job rocking the side ponytail!

Joy said...

There's no debate really. Dave and I are right. :)

Anonymous said...

ccongrats on the new job and where is my apology blog. I think a entire blog passage dedicated to how you are going to "make things right" is in order.

your secret admirer