Sunday, May 16, 2010

First of all, no Presley. To say that our hearts are broken is an understatement. We look at the front door all day long, thinking he will be waiting there for us at any moment. Emails have gone out- flyers have been posted in the neighborhood. It is hard not knowing what happened to him. My wish is that he is happy and safe, or that death was swift and honorable for him. We are not giving up yet, but the window of time for finding him is getting smaller.

Yesterday I went for my longest run since surgery- 8.5 miles. The great thing about it was that I was not just tolerating the run, I was enjoying it. My muscles and bones are starting to gain strength, so the impact of running is not as harsh as it was 3 months ago- or even 1 month ago! I continue to have huge amounts of swelling from some leak in the back of my knee- but I am not going to give up on it and just accept that as part of the deal.

I have also found that it is really helping to switch my long bike to Sundays, thus leaving Saturdays open to run. For a couple of years I have been riding long on Saturday, followed by a long run on Sunday. It is just what everyone does! With the long run offering the most impact to my joints, I don't know that it made sense for me to do so many on tired bike legs. The risk in switching days is not having that big group for long rides. But, I guess I can tolerate some solo riding if it helps my running come along. So, I am aiming for more running on Saturday, and more riding on Sunday.

okay- so now I just have to actually motivate myself to go riding. Easier said than done when I just want to be lazy on Sunday.


Laura said...

SO sorry to hear about presley!! Think positive.

Joy said...

So sad about Presley! Still praying for him!

runningyankee said...

my heart just broke reading that first part. i'm sooo sorry. i know how much that must hurt. i still hope some how some where he is ok :)

Angela and David said...

So sorry about your cat. I hope you get some good news.