Saturday, December 26, 2009

Dear Santa, I've Been Good!

The front runners:
Jack LaLanne! ha ha!!! Dave must have bought this after he saw me watch that infomercial. He said I have been talking about getting a juicer for a while now, and since I actually do use the fruit dehydrator I got last year for Christmas, he figured he would risk getting me another kitchen appliance.  
(Is it weird, though, when your spouse starts buying you kitchen appliances for Christmas?)

An underwater video/camera!!!!!  Yes!!!!!  Now I can really record my horrible swim in all of its glory!
A gift card to Outdoors...yes!  My mom is finally coming around!!! (she did get me a Barbie Christmas ornament to go with the gift card- some things never change)

Vibram 5 Fingers- everyone made fun of me for wanting these and said they look silly.  I am going to do some running in them though!  I am all about doing new things this year.  

A running metronome- time to really make sure I am keeping that 180....
And real Brees jersey!!!  I guess I can stop wearing my Brooks jersey now.  

No new bike under the tree (ahem...) Julia (GoBigGreen').

Yea Christmas!  Everyone said I made out like a bandit this year.  And I agree!!!!!!!  Santa must have known that I have been really, really good this year.  :))))))))  


Jan said...

WOW, you racked up! i want to come over and make juice with you! i'm thinking about purchasing one of the blend tec or vita mix blenders so that i can make my own peanut butter and green smoothies and juices and whatnot. can't decide if it's worth it though because they're so expensive. but i have some christmas money. we'll see!

Anonymous said...

oh you were really good!

runningyankee said...

some pretty sweet gifts! jealous of the underwater camera! hope you had a great holiday and with the steelers all but out, im jumping on the saints wagon.. hope there is room!

Jennifer Harrison said...

JEROME got the Vibram 5 finger shoes too - HE LOVES THEM! I think they are interesting. LOL

And, an underwater camera!!!? LOVELY!

CRACK me up about the Barbie ornament. BEST Ever.

I have a rule with Jerome. He can not buy me anything that plugs in. This year he got me a kettle and he said he broke the little rule just once. LOL :)_))

kerrie said...

yes, it looks like you were good this year!! nice gifts. i'm sure you know this, but really ease into running in the 5 fingers(just like you have been doing with running as a whole)...i'm sure it will strengthen muscles you didn't know you had! have you read "born to run"??