Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Checking In

- Dave and I have tickets to see the Saint's first divisional playoff game at the Superdome.  oh yeah!!!!!

- I am jogging 4 minutes now.  It mostly feels fine.  Except on the treadmill, which is why I am severing my relationship with the treadmill forever.   

- Because, I would like for someone to explain to me how a treadmill is considered a "soft surface."  Please show me that research.  Explain to me how a very thin rubber mat, covering a hunk of metal is soft.  I really will listen, but I am quite sure I need to see the research now to continue holding on to this widely held belief.  

-  I have been drinking Juven lately- the same protein drink the residents in the nursing home drink to help wound healing, etc.  I love it!  It "helps you feel strong and remain active and independent."  Dave took one look at it and said..."isn't that for geriatric people?"  Why yes it is.  And I think I qualify.  

-  I still can't kick my cold/sinus infection.  I took a Z-pack.  I take the vitamins.  I just drank some Emergen-C.  I hate the winter.  I must move further south at some point in my life.  

- I just watched an infomercial for a Jack Lelanne juicer and I totally want one.  

-Rooney, Cayenne, and I have become so nonchalant about Dave's rules that we dared to go to sleep together on the bed last night before Dave came home.  When Dave walked in the house, neither dog greeted him at the door.  Neither dog was waiting at his/her post to guard the house.  Neither dog even bothered to get up from the bed and even pretend to feel guilty when he walked through the bedroom door.  Nope, we just all stayed in bed in defiance with our eyes closed.  Dave was sooooooooooo mad.  

-  Today I was treating a patient that has diabetes, and the nurse came to check her blood sugar.  It was really low, so the nurse suggested she eat one of her peppermint candies OR eat a slice of cake nearby to bring her blood sugar up.  What is wrong with this picture, people?  

- We are half way through the week! :)  


Jan said...

moving south sounds WONDERFUL to me. i'm so over winter already, and it's only december.

Joy said...

I WANT A JUICER TOO!!! I think I'll put it on my registry. :)

AND, if we move to Honolulu you can spend winters with us. If we move to Wyoming, I take it you won't be visiting!

kerrie said...

4 min. is awesome!! yeah, i don't know why they say a treadmill is softer but i do know that the surface is "predictable" with no variations/imperfections/unevenness and i think that is the most important part. you are on your way back!!!

Nancy said...

Jack Lelanne has to be +100 yrs old, I wonder if he puts Juven in his juicer? If I had diabetes I could put cake in my juicer. The grass is always greener......

Samantha said...

I have the Jack Lelanne!!! LOVE IT!!! So easy to take apart and clean. has 'em.