As we drove through a Memphis ghetto, Dave and I chewed on some of the decisions we have made or contemplated through the day we spent together: Cayenne's foot, moving to New Orleans, remodeling the nasty kitchen, purchasing a used car to replace our dying car, my surgery, paying back student loans, etc...
Dave gently said that life is full of tough decisions, and we sat quietly in the car, reflecting our day. Every day we will face challenges and tough decisions- it doesn't get any easier, and we don't even have kids yet.
It was such a beautiful moment for me, though, as we concluded that life is about the way you handle the tough times and make the tough decisions. I couldn't have been happier riding in the car with my husband and two loving dogs- my family.
Day 5-The knee is doing well. I am recovering nicely and staying off of it. No rush here to get moving, and that is the beauty of being injured so long. My patience is getting stronger and I am willing to rest more and heal more to reap long term benefits. I will be excited to share good news as I start to do a little more rehab and strengthen the leg again.
Hang in there. I know how much heartache decisions our dogs can bring. But remember that they only know your love and they are always going to love you if you take care of them. that picture of them totally made me melt as well.
Hey we are having Cheesecake at our grooms dinner. Want me to save you a piece:)?
I agree with Julia... just hang in there. Sometimes times are just TOUGH. I think every couple - especially the young ones (not that you guys are're not, um... yeah :) go through rough times. And lots of uncertainty. I'm 28 and still trying to figure stuff out... and life isn't easy!
My heart also melted at the picture...your puppies are soooo cute. :) Its tough being the partent to a puppy that can't vocalize exactly what they're feeling or thinking. I think you guys made the best decision possible - and are GREAT parents. Sending hugs and good vibes your way!!
you DO have a most wonderful family! and those tough decisions you made have brought you to where you are - happy! hope the knee and foot continue to heal. i LOVE that photo of the dogs. too cute!
Oh Damie! You can only do the best you can with the information you have at the time. And who knows, Cayenne may be good as new when it's all said and done. Dave's right, life is full of tough decisions. I hear that loud and clear right now, on so many levels! Hang in there chickie! And hugs to you and the puppies!
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