Wednesday, October 7, 2009

A Typical Random Post

This weekend is my sis's wedding in Vegas.  Of course I will post some pics for all to see! :)  

Knee news- well, there is the S word hanging in the air.  The doc was supposed to call me back today, and since he will be out of town till next week, I am guessing that won't happen.  At this point, we know that the bone and cartilage are damaged beyond typical repair.  I am not a candidate for microfracture since the lesion is too big.  So, really no news until we talk more.  If there is one iota of a chance that there is a holistic solution, I will take it.  

Anytime I hear Canned Heat I think of Center Stage- NOT Napoleon Dynamite.  

Work is good- and tough.  I am happy to have a job and remind myself every day to not take it for granted.  There are times I wish my boss would show me some more appreciation and come to work in a good mood instead of unleashing negative energy on her employees, but I am trying to keep my focus on my development- not the surroundings out of my control.  I am also working to always raise the bar on my empathy, tolerance, and patience.  

I asked my sister to do my eyebrows (they look like caterpillars- so bad!).  She does not have time, so I guess I will have bad eyebrows for the wedding. 

My house is a wreck.  One day I may have a house that is presentable when guests stop by.  I bet if we had a bloggers' dirty house contest I would win.  I now know why my house is horrible- I stayed up to clean and I am writing on my blog.  It seems I always find something else to do.  

I love that my dogs know when it is bedtime.  They are asleep right now- yup- by 9:00 it is night-night time.  They are probably wondering why I am still up.  (they know me too well and know I never planned to clean)

Okay- time for bed.  I am have 3 books waiting for me:  Riding the Bus With My Sister (last month's book club book I never finished), The Help (next month's bookclub book that I am determined to read before the actual bookclub meeting), and Running To the Top by Lydiard (that I purchased before the good Chuckie V post- although I was pleased with myself to find that I had a good handful of his recommended books already dog-eared from many good reads).  

I am not sure why I am reading running books when I can't run.  The power of positive thinking, I guess.  

1 comment:

Laura said...

I hope you enjoy Riding the Bus with my Sister and I hope I get the new book club book done in time! :)

Positive thoughts to you with running!