Tuesday, October 27, 2009


The long awaited surgery has been scheduled.  This Friday we will fix everything.  

Just kidding-  but if only that were true.  What do you mean you can't make my knees feel like they did when I was 16?  Oh, maybe not 16, I was sitting on the bench with a torn MCL.  How about a 10 year-old's knees?  Yes, I have been dealing with right knee injuries for a longgggg time.  My dad made me feel a lot better about my decision to have surgery when he reminded me of all of the injuries I have had to the right knee since high school.   

This Friday we will attempt to take care of a few small things.  I am actually going to have two small surgeries.  (Dave calls them procedures and didn't even bother taking off of work, but I think anytime they put you to sleep and make you sign a waiver saying you could die, that counts as surgery.  Okay, so maybe I am milking it a bit, but I would like to babied a little :)  

If you want to know-First we are going to do a posterior incision in the back of the knee joint/hamstrings in order to get the cyst.  It is embedded in my hamstrings somewhat and we can't get it through a scope.  Then we are going to do a scope and look for meniscus damage as we are pretty sure there is a medial tear somewhere- and fix it.  We area also going to remove some bone spurs that are pretty significant and hitting the femur.  

The only other possibility is a limited lateral release.  The doc says yes, and I say I don't know.  So, we will decide on Friday- although I am still leaning towards no.  There would have to be something really, really convincing to make me change my mind.

We aren't touching the femur.  I know, I know- the biggest elephant in the room and I am just ignoring it for now.  No need to go crazy on my knee, you know?  The doc made some suggestions, but none sound good to me so I can be patient and wait for the right thing.  

So, that is that!  I have actually felt a lot of relief with the decision.  I don't know what the outcome will be, but it feels good to move forward.  

In all honesty, Dave feels really bad now because we found out someone has to be with me through the entire surgery, and he can't be there.  (Don't worry, papa is a worthy replacement).  And then, Dave found out he has to work the entire weekend and can't baby me at all!  So, if you are in the mood to coddle a pitiful 31-year-old, please feel free to stop by over the weekend and don't forget the cheesecake.  


Laura said...

Boyfriend out of town - check. Dog to play with Roo and C - check. I'll be there! :)

Joy said...

In my guilt for being out of town this weekend, should I remain silent or try to compensate by pestering you constantly? Hmmm, decisions, decisions. :) Yay!! Your knee is getting partially fixed!