Thursday, May 21, 2009

My Vacay

This week has been wonderful! I am relaxed to the max with free time and flexibility. I start to feel a twinge of guilt sometimes (Dave is at work, my friends are working their butts off), but I quickly shake that guilty feeling. Nope, no guilt here! I made it through school and now I get to rest/play for a week.

I am mixing up the hard with the fun. I have done the Peddler ride and an old Jen H. swim this week (hard). I have gone to the pool to work on my non-existent tan and looked at houses while cycling with my sister (fun).

The funniest event of the week happened last night when Dave and his co-workers went to happy hour and I joined in the fun. I was in my cycling gear since I came straight from a ride. A guy in the bar came up to me as I was sitting with Dave and his co-workers, and asked me what kind of bike I ride. After some chit-chat, all of the co-workers were teasing Dave about letting that guy hit on me right in front of him. Dave just turned and said, well, she comes at a price- $xx,xxx in student loans and no job if anyone wants her. Har har har! Just for that funny comment I am taking another day off. Ha! :)

Now I am off to take a nap while watching the Princess Bride.


Marit C-L said...

Do NOT feel guilty for taking time off. EVER! You have worked SO HARD... and in my is waaaay harder than work. You barely earn any money, owe a ton in student loans, and hardly have any down time because most of it is spent studying. Take all the time in the world, my friend - you've EARNED it! :)

That movie has got to be one of the greatest ever.


Jennifer Harrison said...

Nice swim! :))

Jan said...

call me in the morning. i'd love to go on a walk!

GoBigGreen said...

I tell ya guys love chicks in spandex, even if you are all dirty and sweaty! I love Princess Bride ...great movie!