Saturday, May 2, 2009

My lack of blogging has not been from disinterest, but rather lack of time. The lack of time is not because I am training my ass off- to the contrary, training rather stinks right now. As my friends on FB know- or if you have talked to me recently, this has been the week from hell for me- 666 to the max-total Murphey's Law. I really want a Splish suit that says 666 all over it- something to make me laugh when I have a life moment such as I have had this week. Actually, I think I may just create a Splish suit right now....
Public blog status means I can't share details for the week. But, here I am- made it through- 1,000 times a stronger person than I was on Monday. So, the benefit to humiliation and feeling like a total loser is a thicker skin and tougher mental attitude.

I did have a huge amount of fun swimming with my sister on Thursday. We talked so much and swam so little :) We are doing the GJCC tri together at the end of May- only a 200 meter swim in the pool so that will be fun. It was funny, too, because I made her practice swimming behind me and I kicked up a ton of bubbles so she wouldn't panic if she got behind someone in her first tri and couldn't see anything- because that is what happened to me in one of my first triathlons!

And tomorrow I am doing Cycle for Safety with Alyson. I was planning on doing the 54 mile option, but I think I have somehow been tricked into an 84 mile ride.... although she swears it won't be like that, but I did the math....

I am being a good girl and NO running. I am not even sneaking anything in. I know from previous experience with this injury that 2 months is not enough time to heal the bone, so I am being extra cautious. I keep telling myself if I will just do the right thing now, I can play later. I have cut out the eliptical and I am being careful not to put on too many riding miles since there is still quite a bit of impact to the knee.

ummm...that it is :) I saw Ben Harper and The Steve Miller Band last night. I slept in late today and feel like a million dollars. I ate lunch with Gina and have forced my way into being the developmental pediatric physical therapist for her unborn child. I am now going to the gym to pretend to lift weights and maybe aqua jog.


Jan said...

it's supposed to rain tomorrow. be careful if you're riding!

Anonymous said...

Cute suit! I just love splish. I'm glad you're feeling better. Have fun on your ride.

kerrie said...

lol...i'm glad you are being a good girl even though you are having a crap week! i know it is hard, but try to think long term!!!!

GoBigGreen said...

Ha! I love it. I pretend to lift weights alot :)
Hang in there with the injury. It WILL get your body that it is telling you what to do.

Laura said...

Hahaha. Sometimes you just have to give a bad week the finger - multiple times. Hang in there chica. Hope the ride was fun!