Saturday, April 18, 2009


Made it to New Orleans about 15 minutes ago- that would be midnight.  The drive to New Orleans from Memphis takes about 6 hours.  Not so bad, but if you are driving the Pop Pop mobile- the Grand Marquis- it seems a wee bit longer.  Why?  No working tape deck.  Of course no CD player or satellite radio.  Driving through Mississippi can be a little tough since there are only 3 radio stations for a while.  I tried to pester friends into cell-phone-talking to me to help the time fly, but everyone was out or in bed.  Some how I managed to day dream my way through Mississippi with no accidents and here I am!

I am still up and writing on my blog because I am cracked up on coffee- now I am drinking wine to help me wind down for bed.  Sounds a lot like a junkie, huh?

Tomorrow I get to enjoy French Quarter Fest with my friend Christy Bohannon and company.  We are celebrating her upcoming wedding with a bachelorette party.  As much as we say we are not going to go to Cats Meow and doing stuff like that, I am almost positive we will end up there- hand grenade in the left and hurricane in the right.  

Did I tell you that my bachelorette party ended up on Bourbon?  I will leave out the details, but the next day I was missing my camera and my driver's license.  I had no idea where I left either items.  Well, I got a call later that day from "Sex Acts"- (or is it "Love Acts"...I can't remember.)  Yup.  Imagine that phone call.  All I could think was- did I go there last night?  They politely let me know they found my cell phone and license, and I had to go back up there sober to pick them up.  Ha ha ha!!!!  So funny :)

Happy weekend everyone.  I sincerely need this weekend to just chill more than anything.  Life has been very stressful these days, but I do know that my life is good.  



Samantha said...

Damie!!! Have a blast this weekend and tell Christy I said Hi and Congrats!!! You could've called me...remember...I'm 2 hours earlier. lol. I forgive you though. haha. We do indeed need to chat. Lots to talk about. Call me next week sometime after you recover from NOLA. lol. Be careful!!!

GoBigGreen said...

Hey thanks for stopping at my blog. Yes Ruby is a rescue golden and she is precious, taking some time to get used to everyone but she is a total LOVE!
Hang in there with the knee. I hear ya on the blahblahblah as you are likely bored with the tape going thru your head more than readers are. Blog on it if it feels good but otherwise you will know when it is time (If ever?) to update us on everything. Have a fun time in NO!