Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Tuesday Night Randoms

So, how about that Liverpool game? How that team manages to play awesome in the Champion's League year after year....consistency when it counts, I swear.


I hung longer with the Peddler ride today. Wayyyyyy longer. I am learning to ride in a pack, jump in time for the sprints, and stay out of harm's way in the back. When I make it home I feel so energized and excited!

That feeling doesn't last until track. The jog over was the opposite of energizing, it was cementing, as in my legs were cemented to the ground. Fortunately this week I had the excuse that I am running the Little Rock Half Marathon this weekend so I didn't need to do pure speed work. Instead I got in the back and did some threshold running to get just a little pace going. One of these days I am going to run out excuses for keeping it light at track. People are starting to look at me weird out there.

In other news, Dave is off to his first soccer game in 7 months. I would like to think that he is going to ease his way back on to the field...but I know better. He is not 100% healed, and he is not 100% fit- but he is 100% depressed sitting around this house with no soccer. So, I gave him the release to play and a nice lecture about re-injury. I am positive he will listen.

Now, the big debate of the night. Do I really want to wake up early to go swim? Do I want to face the new, inflexible, power trip because he is really young and has something to prove swim coach that thinks we all suck because we are triathletes and can't swim? Hmmmmmm.....

1 comment:

Laura said...

Great job going to Peddler AND track. That swim coach doesn't sound very motivating at all.

Have a great day Damie!