Sunday, March 15, 2009

Little Rock Half Marathon Race Report

Not faster, but still some good stuff in there. And some bad. But mostly positive.

Pretty good day to run- temps in the low 50s, not much wind. Didn't get any pretty sun and humidity was at 90%, so it was damp, but good.

Dave caught a picture of me towards the end of the race today :)

By mile 2 I knew the day would be tough. My right knee- not hurting at all during the warm up, and not hurting at all lately (although bothering me on Friday's baby 2 mile run...hmmm....) started to hurt, and bad. By mile 4 I seriously considered dropping out. My pace was great, but my right knee and leg were really starting to hurt. I am happy to say I made it through, but those last few miles were really hard on my leg. I just told myself if I felt this would lead to an injury, I would back off immediately. I am still hurting, but I think everything will be fine with some attention.

So back to the run.

I had a feeling I could push it a little more than Birmingham. Now that I have had a few races this spring (a couple of 5ks, a 4 miler, and a half marathon), I am a little more in control of my pacing. So, from the get go I just went slightly faster. The good news is I never fell apart. I never felt at though my pacing was off or that I started too fast.

Little Rock is pretty tough and hilly- I don't really know how it compares to Birmingham- I think LR is harder, but I know we all just have our own course preferences. Of course Memphis topography is a cake-walk to the above mentioned cities. It just seems that the hills in Little Rock are unrelenting, as in they never go away- not always horrible, but always there. This year, though, I was ready mentally for this challenge. I was craving the challenge of the hills. I didn't let the hills defeat me today. (I am sure the hills did not help my ailing knee.)

2008 recap- I hit the 10k mark at 47:44, but I also lost my pace at mile 6 and never got it back. 5 of my last 7 miles were over 8 min. I was completely defeated by the hills. I ran a terrible second half and finished in 1:44:29.

In comparison, I hit the 10k this year in 48:05. I fought my way through mile 6, and I even ran my fastest split of the day at mile 8. I was just tougher. I didn't let up in that middle portion with the hills, and I even started putting myself in position to race some girls and trade some spots.

But, at mile 10 I ran my only split over 8 min- an 8:07. Mile 11 was really tough for me too. It was hard to focus on my running when my focus just kept going to my knee. I was really hurting. I got myself back in check for the last two miles and gutted them in to the finish line around 7:45 pace. But, those last 2 miles were tough and I felt as though I limped my way to a finish.

Garmin time 1:42:34 for 13.26 miles.

I feel much more positive about racing overall at this point. I am enjoying it and feeling good about my training. I have finally made a commitment to tempo runs, and they are paying off. My focus has improved, and I do a better job of reeling myself in when I lose that focus now.

Now I have some thinking to do on how to break some of these time barriers in my racing- time for me to move on from running the same ol' time every single race. (Loren- got any suggestions?) Time to go baby my knee. :)

David and Damie, post race with medal in hand. Dave was such a good spectator today. He did such a good job of cheering me on and encouraging me.


Jan said...

yea! great race! love the picture that dave took. i may not have run 13.26 miles today, but i was a calorie incinerator on the wii fit.

runningyankee said...

great race! you look really strong in the photo. it takes alot to tough it out when you are not feeling your best - so i think the fact that you kept on even thru the pain is a huge victory! now take care of that knee!!!

Laura said...

Great race Damie! Happy Anniversary to you and Dave. I hear you with those thoughts from your last post of taking time to do what you can with those you love now. That was really a theme for me this weekend while I was with my friend who just lost her mom.

Love the pictures!

CBD said...

Great job! VNice RR. Sorry about yer knee.

Joy said...

You look so good in your finish picture! What a strong race on a hurting knee.

I was so glad to be part of your anniversary, but I'm sorry I didn't make you go to the horse races!

:) xoxox

Anonymous said...

Great job Damie! Way to fight! I know just how you feel fighting through the pain during a race.
Awesome job!!!