Tuesday, March 3, 2009


I had another fun night at track tonight. I ran half of my intervals at I pace and the last half at R pace for a good, steady mental workout. It is getting somewhat fun out there- steadily improving and watching my I and R paces get easy for me.

As I walked off of the track tonight, I thought to myself that my legs sure did feel tired, though. My calves were a little sore and everything was just a little heavier. It must be from the 3 faster workouts I did last week...everything just adding up.

I start driving home and then immediately call Joy, who heard me wonder aloud after practice about the growing fatigue in my legs. I blurt out- "I forgot- I played a soccer game last night." We both start laughing, I mean, how do you forget something like that? Of course my legs are frickin' tired! Hello!!!!! Bueller?

But, when you love something like the way I love soccer, it doesn't even seem to count as a workout, even though it is probably one of the best ones I get in the week. I count it as a rest day, I guess because I don't feel like I am training. Rest day....what? It is so not rest!

Dave even came to watch me play last night since we played our rivals in the final game of the season. At halftime, I walked over to Dave to say hi and he immediately said, "I know what you are doing." huh? He said, "you are purposely running more than you need to out there to get in a better workout. I know you." So not true- it is called hustle, Big Dave. Anyways, we lost in the final minutes which was a bummer- this was indoor so the game can change pretty quickly in momentum.
Some members of my women's team post indoor game.

Dave gave me some good feedback last night. He said I look great out there and I look the lightest on my feet than I have looked in a couple of years. He can't believe how injury free I look out there- which basically reminds me of how injured I had been playing for a long time. Taking the past year off was super, duper smart of me. I did feel good out there. I have, however, lost some of my ability to completely change a game, as Dave says, in the past I would not have let us lose that game. And Dave was right in saying there is no way I can try to be great at 4 sports- and I am in complete agreement. I just don't have time to devote to getting a lot of form back in soccer and trying to improve in triathlon. I mean, I played 4-5x a week in New Orleans. There is noooooo way I could do that now. I can barely fit in 1 day.

Which is no problem- it means that soccer is so much fun for me right now! If I can just stay in good enough shape and keep enough skill to hang with the babies, I mean young ladies (I swear, I just keep getting older and they keep getting younger!), out there, that is good enough for me! I love my women's team. Our outdoor season is starting this Thurs, so I will retain that night as my non-tri, fun night.

And I will try to remember that a soccer game is a workout and that I do get tired from it.

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