Saturday, March 28, 2009


I turned 31 yesterday. From my birthday pics, I definitely look older than I did on my birthday last year. I think I spent too many years looking younger than my age, and now I am aging rapidly to catch up. But, since I have always thought the 30s would be my decade, I enjoy the birthdays that just keep on coming.

Of course for my birthday I got Twilight the book AND the movie from Bookie. I usually don't buy books unless I love them. So, I borrowed the Twilight series, but I think it deserves a place in my personal library. I love books- the perfect gift always. Oh, and I made Dave watch the movie late last night, bossing him around and saying it was MY birthday and we had to do what I wanted to do. ha ha!!

My Papa, Nami, Bekah, Jon, Dave, and I went to eat sushi for my birthday. Yum Yum! It was a wonderful dinner with everyone. We picked sushi since it is lent (and we are Catholic except for Dave and Jon). Dave ordered a surf-n-turf roll and no one realized it, so it was funny when my sister and papa realized they were eating steak. They are on the path to hell for sure... or is Dave for tricking them?

Dave, Jon, and Nami leaning back and relaxing on the pillows after a very good meal. Oh, and let me congratulate my mom for getting the whole birthday thing right after 31 years. I asked for bike or running stuff as always, and I got a gift card to Outdoors Inc for bike stuff. Yea!!!!! Normally she would ask me what I want, then get me what she thinks I should want. (example: mom, can I have a soccer ball? here Damie, I got you a Barbie).

and then I wanted to share this t-shirt with you that a soccer teamie of mine was wearing last night. Hilarious. If this doesn't make you laugh....

I have been wrestling with the decision to retire from soccer for good with the emergence of the injury. Dave thinks it would be best for my body if I let the sport go and focus on triathlon. Last night I went to watch Dave play indoor and I saw my friend with this t-shirt on. It was a sign- I mean, I laughed so hard I thought- I love this sport! I have to find a way back on the field! Why is the t-shirt a sign? Because it reminded me of the personality and the energy that I love in the game of soccer. It is not like triathlon, which I love too, but soccer players are special :) I love my teammates and I love the dynamics of the personality and the game.

God granted me some grace for one week as our first game of the season got delayed for a week. So I have another week to think on things and keep pursing the medical attention I need. Ufortunately, he couldn't give me any more time between now and my first triathlon of the season, which is tomorrow.

Yes, for those who have asked if I am racing. I have a plan. No, for those of you who have asked if I can run. It is a physical impossibility at this point- unless I somehow become uninjured today.

I will post a RR tomorrow. Till then.....


runningtwig said...

I found your blog a while ago through Joy's...I think we might have played soccer against each other?!? Not too sure - I was a 77. Anyways, I had to give up playing the game a long time ago - it was tearing my body up. But I'm still involved in the game through coaching and it's just as exciting. It was a tough decision, but ended up being the best in the long run. Anyways...good luck with it all!!

Jan said...

oh my goodness, i'm such a loser for not calling you on your birthday! HAPPY 31st to YOU! I hope it was great!

runningyankee said...

happy birthday!
LOVE the t shirt!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! Sounds like you had a great night. I'm sure you will figure out what to do about soccer and triathlon.

Mira (Ivanovich) Lelovic said...

Happy birthday! Now you'll have something to watch while you're recovering from training. Hope your tri was somewhere warm! It was cold, and super windy, here.

kerrie said...

i hope that you had a great birthday! what perfect gifts!!! we have now watched the DVD about a million times in our house. i think i'll be able to quote the whole thing soon ;).
yeah, soccer is definitely tough on the have a lot to think about! please keep us posted. my fingers are crossed for you as i send healthy knee thoughts your way!

Laura said...

So.....when are we having a girls night and watching Twilight? Happy to volunteer my house and bring the dogs to give Dave a break. ;)

Happy Birthday!