Saturday, January 3, 2009

Starting the New Year

Getting back to some training has been fun! Since Monday, I have managed 4 swims, 2 bikes, 1 track workout, 1 tempo run, and 1 baby brick. Today I have a nice, fun, slow run with Roo and tomorrow I get to run long and try out the CamelBak that Dave gave to me for Christmas.

The running is coming along nicely (with the exception of my knees that feel as though they belong to a 60 year old, or a person that has spent over 20 years in cleats). It is not that I am near where I want to be, but I am proud to be working in that direction. I stuck to my track workout and hit it right on. I even did a tempo run, something that has alluded me for years. I have had trouble in the past getting my head around hard running when I am not racing. I am slowly learning how/when/why. I am losing some of the gray area in my running and replacing it with more meaningful workouts. And, to reward myself for the difficult running, I get to do fun runs like today with Roo.

The swimming is still beyond me. I don't understand how I can do the same workout 3 weeks later and be 20 seconds per 500 slower (I can hear Kert now "it is because 3-4x a week is not enough!". Some days in the pool I am faster, and some days I am slower. I count myself lucky that I like to swim, otherwise I would have no motivation to get in the pool if I had to count on the clock giving me some positive reinforcement.

And the bike- whoa. I am glad to be getting on it, but it is not easy! This week I have ridden with Brian, Alyson, Maggi, and Casey. I should be embarrassed to say that I am the one they had to wait on time and time again, but I think I have lost all shame. (Is being the slow person on the bike a recurring theme in my blog posts?)

I am certainly a work in progress in all areas :) And, thank goodness I completely understand that this is the beginning of JANUARY- no need to worry- at least that is what I tell myself.

Did I mention I am playing my first soccer game Monday after a nice hiatus? I decided that I will reserve one day a week for 2009 for soccer games- NO training on that day (except for swimming). It will be my life apart from triathlon.

Okay, sorry for the boring training post. I swear I have a million things to write about right now, especially concerning friendship and some other topics that have been heavy on my mind. I'll save it for another time.


Samantha said...

I have the prettiest eyebrows ever. I'm totally getting them done that way from now on. haha.

Laura said...

OK, I'm going to be right there with you in riding. I'm soooo out of bike shape! I guess that's what happens when you actually take an off season (meaning more than two weeks)! LOL.