Monday, January 12, 2009


My friends are seriously cracking me up.  I love you all so much.  Don't take me too literally! Or even better, I will stop whining so much.  My mom called me last night (I guess she reads my blog from time to time) and said she was worried about me.  She also said she didn't know I had a race this weekend, and I was thinking, what race? Oh...the, that isn't a race, it is just a 5k.  Huge difference.  Ha ha!!!  Not to mention, who in the hell is running 5ks right now? Not the smart people.  Okay, point taken mom.  I will stop whining so much on the blog.  I will just whine to Dave!  Ha ha!!!!  I think he will point out that whining was not written into our vows- we did write our own vows, and I missed my chance to include a lot of things.  

I did receive a new nickname last night.  I am not allowed to put it on the blog because Dave would not give me permission.  We never seem to fall right asleep at night because we are always finding something to laugh at.  Last night Dave and I gave each other Indian (Native American to the PC) names before going to bed.  Mine was so funny that I couldn't fall asleep for another hour.  Every time I thought of it I started to laugh.  So, we kept each other up giggling over something so dumb.  That is why I am always tired at swim practice. 

We also gave Cayenne her official dwarf nickname last night.  So far in the family we have Stinky, Snotty, Squirmy, and Scratchy.  Now Cayenne gets to be Smelly.  Guess which one I am?


Eileen Swanson said...

You guys are too funny AND cute ;-) Hmmm, not sure which one you are and I better not guess, HAHA!

Smart people are doing 5Ks, I already did 2, ha ;-)

Lee said...

Squirmy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;-)

Jan said...

indian name s are hilarious! what a great idea! neil (cat) needs to be stinky. for some reason, his breath is suddenly knock-you-over bad when he yawns. don't know what to do about it either.

Jan said...

wait a sec, now we have to have blog owner approval for the comment to post? that's actually a brilliant idea!

Damie said...

I know, I know Jan. A friend suggested it to me because I have open access on soooo much stuff. I even had to go through facebook and rethink the whole process of who could access what. Luckily I have only had 2 anonymous not nice comments in over a year on the blog...I am lucky to have friendly readers :) Oh, and I will tell you my secret Indian name if I can get my phone to work. You have to promise not to tell Dave, though. ha ha!