Thursday, January 15, 2009

New Semester Approaching!

First,  I have to give it up to myself for completing a tempo run on the treadmill yesterday.  I am completely in awe of those of you that can do workouts on the treadmill.  I, for one, pretty much hate the treadmill.  It sucks the joy out of running for me.  But, when I had a tempo run staring me in the face and a decision between the treadmill or 20 degree weather and wind, I thought, hey...just try it.  Come on, Damie, toughen up!  3 x 10 minutes tempo pace with 2 min jog in between.  I guess the good thing about the treadmill is that you either hold the pace or you don't.  Well, I held the pace and did the whole thing...big step for me.  

Tempo runs are hard for me, period, treadmill or not.  Before garmins and g-map, I just ran at whatever pace I wanted to run, and when I went to track I would run hard.  Forget tempo, what fun is there in that?  (According to , I completely fall into the endurance runner corner by choosing to almost always go long and easy over fast, short, and sweet).  But, when I  saw coach Paul (everyone's running coach here in Memphis) today I completely bragged about my tempo run on the treadmill. 

Other than that, here is what is going on my house.  There is a new and LAST semester approaching.  After May, my life will no longer be on semesters.  In the meantime, this is how we handle a new semester around here:

Shower Study Time- 

Now this is a fun sight- the shower wall covered in notes :) You are looking at some study notes on the shoulder- special tests, muscle movements, etc.... Don't make fun! I did this in high school when we had a French quiz every single day. Between soccer and everything else, I had to maximize my study time. So, French got 10 minutes in the shower. Latin got time in the car ride to school with Cher-Cher. Time management- gotta get creative. 

New Hair Cut-

My hair is actually a little shorter than it looks in this pic- I didn't realize I was leaning forward.  Anyways, new semester, new hair.  I didn't mean  to go this short yet, but the more the stylist and I gabbed, the shorter the hair got.   

Dehydrated Fruit-

One of my best Christmas gifts was the fruit dehydrator.  Bekah wanted some cherries for a recipe, so I did bananas, mango, and cherries today.  Bananas are my fave, and I actually love the dried apples too.  Store bought dried fruits with the preservatives and added sugars taste so yucky compared to natural dried fruit.  Now I will have some healthy snacks for my first week of the semester.    

Oh, and a new phone!  Well, new to me.  Gilmourgirl was kind enough to give me one of her old phones after I managed to submerge my phone in a sink full of water, and not notice for hours.  Laura has lots of friends, by the way.  I am slowly going through and erasing the hundreds of people I don't know.  Laura, I also erased your text messages-I promise I didn't peek.  :)

Happy Friday to all!


BreeWee said...

YES! Dehydrators are the best! YOU will love that thing... hmmmm, I want to break mine out now...

GLAD you survived the treadmill! Nice job super start... and yep, those were Sam's undies :) ha ha ha ha!

Have fun in school ya big nerd! (just kidding!!)

Jan said...

i've never seen a dehydrator. how does it work? does it make the crunchy banana thingys? i want to taste!

i think your notes in the shower are awesome. i did the same thing in school!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the tready run. I am just like you. I hate hate hate the treadmill. 5 min feels like an hour!

That fruit dehydrator looks awesome!!! Where can i get one?

Mira (Ivanovich) Lelovic said...

Great hair cut! Hope the next clinical goes well. Just think, May is right around the corner!

I signe up for the LR 1/2. Hopefully I'll be able to keep up with you! I LOVE treadmill workouts, I know it's strange.

Eileen Swanson said...

I love how ypu have notes in the shower ;-) HA! If it works, that's awesome. Oh boy, Cayenne is a little chewer, he'll get over it soon! Did I tell you what Belle chewed when she was 5 months old? Oh wow!! ;-)

Great job on the tready!

Christopher, Amanda, and Babies said...


French in the shower!!

I once bought a dehydrator to do beef jerky . . . It got tossed soon after I almost killed some family members with my rancid jerky!!!!!!!!

BTW - I HATE the treadmill . . . GOOD FOR YOU!!!!!

Be Brilliant!

Bookie-Roo said...

so all of you who don't know this about damie, she used to tape up vocab words in the shower when she was in high school and would study. she is so weird. :P wait, other people do this?!?!?!?!?

Lee said...

Dropped mine in the toilet last night. :-(

Laura said...

Wow! I had no idea I still had text messages on it! LOL. Glad it can be of some use to you.

I love the notes in the shower too. What a great idea!