Sunday, January 4, 2009

Go Run Some Trails!

I think the flash on the camera makes the puppies look like demon-dogs.  :)  The dogs are doing great, by the way.  Roo is still the biggest lover ever.  Cayenne is still going through her "I love to dig through the trash and chew on paper" stage.  This morning I heard her chomping on something while I was in bed, and it turned out to be the concert benefit for Nola DVD that Dave just bought last night.  She was trying to be so quiet about it too...all snuggled in her bed.  She is still our number 1 messy puppy, but her friendliness is unrivaled.  

Today I had a nice run on the Yellow Trail with my brand new Camelbak (courtesy of Dave and Christmas).  This was after a nice late wake-up with Dave and a hearty breakfast at Brother Junipers.  Gotta love Sundays.  

The trail was nice and soft, and the Wolf River was rolling quietly beside me.  Even though it was raining outside, the tree cover was perfect and the trail was not sloppy.  My knees felt great, which is a huge bonus to me.  I think of the analogy of a golf ball when it bounces on pavement, and then when it bounces on dirt and grass.  The same applies to my knees.  But, even though I am pretty conscientious of keeping my knees healthy through strength training (VMO and glut meds, etc...) I know I need to redouble my efforts.  Anyways, the trails are the perfect place to work hard and protect your body  (until you trip and fall).  :)  

Sometimes I am overwhelmed with the work I need to do to reach my goals.  Other times I am loving it and feel completely confident.  When I do start to feel like goals are out of reach, I think about those times where I had success in a race or even exceeded expectations.  Last night I pulled out some old training logs and looked through them- and right there in front of me, yes, concrete proof that my goals are attainable.  :)  (That is why I love to keep training logs- they serve as a great reminder of where you have been and where you can go!)    I am getting so excited for tri season again!  I certainly enjoy this time of year where you slowly start to gear up for that first race.  It is hard to know if you will meet your own expectations, but it is exciting too!  

Now it is time for me to go kick Dave's butt in Wii bowling, again.  Last time I bowled a 289.  I need Jan to get home because Dave is no longer a challenge.  :)    

The all too common site at our home- the strong dog competition.  Thanks Laura and Latte, I think the dogs like their presents.  :)

Oh, hear we go again!  Five minutes later- same game, different toy (a dead chicken toy).  To live in my house, apparently you have to be 100% committed to practice. :)


Jan said...

289! you rock. yep, it's time for us to bowl against each other. i need someone to bowl against that will challenge me too!

Laura said...

Glad the doggies are having fun! I'm excited to get back to training with you this week. I missed everybody being out of town for a week. L-O-V-E my Memphis family! :)

Eileen Swanson said...

Your trail run sounded awesome! hear ya on the knees, I have to watch it and make sure everything is strong. Love the tug-a-war pics ;-) Super cute!