Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Race Face

It is that time- the time to make fun of myself. What is life without a little self-humor? I know I have lots of pictures waving, but trust me, that is not my race face. Actually, I think the fact that I have waved so much this year shows a decline in race performance. But let's look at the historical Damie race face in all of its glory. I think my face may trump Laura's, but doesn't quite come close to Sam's.

Drumroll please....

Behold, my very first half marathon- 2004. Like the soccer shorts? That 9 min/mile pace must've been really tough on me!

2006-This is my second triathlon ever- behold the blistering two mile run! If I close my eyes, maybe this will end really quickly. (Although it doesn't really get shorter than a 2 mile run in a tri.)

2008, things haven't changed much. This is the one race this year where I did feel that I pushed hard and was pleased with my effort, although my run pace wasn't blistering, the effort was there. I guess I reverted to the eye closing tactic, too.

I don't ever notice that I close my eyes in races. What I have started doing, ever since the pictures of my in that second triathlon came out, is wear sunglasses on the run! That way I disguise my weird race face. For the 2008 race above in picture 3, though, the run went to the trails, so I didn't wear sunglasses. I think I will always wear my sunglasses from now on and then flip them on my head if it goes to the trails.

So, enjoy the fun race face. Lot's of smiles to everyone. :)


Eileen Swanson said...

Too funny! Love the race faces ;-) I alternate between sunglasses and none, a visor helps for sure ;-) How are the cuties?

Jan said...

i have some race face photos in scrapbooks that make me look like i'm dying. really, i didn't look pretty at the end of a race in college. i'll have to show them to you sometime, and it will make you feel better. and an added bonus? usually my shoulders are up in my ears and my arms are practically punching my face. how's that for model form?

Samantha said...

wooo...race faces!!! hehe. I'm so sad I'm moving away. I wish I had known you better before my two craziest semesters of school because I would've been able to come up to M-town more. I'm back in Nashville right now until the end of the month.

Lee said...

Jeez......where do I start? ;-0 Hee!Juz kiddin..
The look of an athlete who could care less about the camera! You are there for the race. Luv u!

Laura said...

Awesome Damie! Soooo funny you close your eyes!

P.S. I love the soccer shorts picture - you look so tough :)

Marit C-L said...

Great race faces! Oh - and soccer shorts are totally the way to go. :) The first two half marathons I did, I was ALL about the soccer shorts.

Anonymous said...

FUNNY! I love race pictures because we mostly look like death warmed over...exactly how we feel =)

Super fun post!