Thursday, November 20, 2008

A Little Sick

Not full blown, yet. Just the kind of being sick where you feel terrible all day long and then come home and sleep from 4 till the next morning trying to shake whatever is going on. Just when you think you may be feeling better, you are achy again.

Although I was asked not to, I am blaming Elizabeth Fedofsky for giving me her sinus infection.

I am definitely on the grumpy side of life right now- let me go ahead and apologize to my friends. I am missing Laura's birthday dinner and coffee club tomorrow. I have also spent 2 complete afternoons in bed without running or workout out. The dopamine is low and the achy body won't go away- leaving me a irritable mess. For once I have been smart enough to NOT go push my body and go work out. I think the 13 hours of sleep + still feeling like I have been run over is telling me something.

At least tomorrow is Friday- and hopefully this won't cut into my fun weekend ahead.

And thank you to my mystery friend that left soup and tea on my porch. I am drinking the tea right now :)


Jennifer Harrison said...

Oh no! We have ALL had this sinus infection...I had it bad 2 -3 weeks ago. We are saying it is communicable via the computer! Feel better, damie! :) Jen H.

Jan said...

mystery friend wants to bring you some sherbert (spelling?) when you're home! let her know when would be a good time.

Anonymous said...

OH MAN! so sorry you are sick! You are doing the right thing by resting! Pump yourself full of EmergenC It always works for me!!

Miss Ya!

Mira (Ivanovich) Lelovic said...

Hope you feel better soon! Bet you picked it up from some snotty nosed kid. I was never so sick as I was when I did that ped's rotation. I'm keeping my fingers crossed my own kids don't bring it home.